[PVE-User] export ceph volume

Eneko Lacunza elacunza at binovo.es
Mon Sep 13 09:57:41 CEST 2021


El 10/9/21 a las 21:36, ic escribió:
> Hey guys,
> Is there an easy (if any at all) way to export a ceph volume through NFS?
> I’m migrating virtual machines from a non-ceph cluster to a ceph one and for many reasons, going through a 3rd party external storage is not an option so I’m looking for a way to mount the ceph from the new cluster on the old one, move the VM disks there and then stop them on the old cluster and start them on the new one (I’m copying the .conf files by hand).

If both clusters are Proxmox, then you can configure new cluster's ceph 
storage as RBD storage in old cluster. Move VM disks online to RBD 
storage, then stop VM + copy VM .conf to new cluster + start VM in new 

If storage name is the same on both clusters, I think you won't have to 
modifiy VM .conf file.


Eneko Lacunza
Zuzendari teknikoa | Director técnico
Binovo IT Human Project

Tel. +34 943 569 206 | https://www.binovo.es
Astigarragako Bidea, 2 - 2º izda. Oficina 10-11, 20180 Oiartzun


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