[PVE-User] Bond and hardware parameters...

Marco Gaiarin gaio at sv.lnf.it
Sat Mar 27 19:08:58 CET 2021

I don't know if this can be considered a 'bug', or a 'feature request',
for now i make a note and hope in some feedback.

I need in a PVE server to have a bond interface but i need also to set
some hardware parameters, following the 'bufferbloat' principle, eg no
performance, full control. This bond have to manage some (slow) WAN
link, that have to be policed.

I've tried to setup some parameters, eg installed 'ethtool' and added
to slave bond interfaces:

 iface enp48s0 inet manual
	ethernet-autoneg on
	link-speed 100
	link-duplex full
	hardware-dma-ring-tx 64
	offload-tso off
	offload-gso off
	offload-gro off

 iface enp48s1 inet manual
	ethernet-autoneg on
	link-speed 100
	link-duplex full
	hardware-dma-ring-tx 64
	offload-tso off
	offload-gso off
	offload-gro off

 auto bond0
 iface bond0 inet manual
	slaves enp48s0 enp48s1
	bond_miimon 100
	bond_mode 802.3ad
	bond_xmit_hash_policy layer2+3
	bond-slaves enp48s0 enp48s1
	bond-downdelay 200
	bond-updelay 200

but found that parameters was not set. But if i fire up the interface
and then the bond by hand using ifenslave, the hardware parametrs seems
to be kept.

After fiddling a bit, i've found in /usr/share/doc/ifenslave/README.Debian.gz:

 Using ifup on a master interface will call ifup for all slaves that are
 flagged with allow-bondX. (bondX being replaced by the master interface
 name). This will allow for extra setup for special slave interfaces.

so seems that the correct syntiax is:

 iface enp48s0 inet manual
	ethernet-autoneg on
	link-speed 100
	link-duplex full
	hardware-dma-ring-tx 64
	offload-tso off
	offload-gso off
	offload-gro off

 iface enp48s1 inet manual
	ethernet-autoneg on
	link-speed 100
	link-duplex full
	hardware-dma-ring-tx 64
	offload-tso off
	offload-gso off
	offload-gro off

 auto bond0
 iface bond0 inet manual
	slaves enp48s0 enp48s1
	bond_miimon 100
	bond_mode 802.3ad
	bond_xmit_hash_policy layer2+3
	bond-slaves enp48s0 enp48s1
	bond-downdelay 200
	bond-updelay 200

I've tried in this way, and effectively hardware parameters are set
correctly, as expected.

Indeed, probably this will hit also MTU settings, but probably the MTU
setting in an LACP bond 'propagate' automaticaly to slaves, so i've
never noted that.

Say me if it is better to fire up a bug, to have PVE web interface to
automatically accomodate that. Thanks.

dott. Marco Gaiarin				        GNUPG Key ID: 240A3D66
  Associazione ``La Nostra Famiglia''          http://www.lanostrafamiglia.it/
  Polo FVG   -   Via della Bontà, 7 - 33078   -   San Vito al Tagliamento (PN)
  marco.gaiarin(at)lanostrafamiglia.it   t +39-0434-842711   f +39-0434-842797

	(cf 00307430132, categoria ONLUS oppure RICERCA SANITARIA)

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