[PVE-User] offline VM migration node1->node2 with local storage

Roland privat devzero at web.de
Fri Mar 26 21:14:59 CET 2021

thanks, very nice feature! 

hope it will be available in webgui one day, though.


> Am 26.03.2021 um 17:15 schrieb Fabian Grünbichler <f.gruenbichler at proxmox.com>:
>> Roland <devzero at web.de> hat am 26.03.2021 16:29 geschrieben:
>> Hello,
>> to pick up this older one:
>>>>> On 2/16/20 11:28 AM, Roland @web.de wrote:
>>> /> why do i need to have the same local storage name when migrating a vm />>/from node1 to node2 in dual-node cluster with local disks ? />>//>>/i'm curious that migration is possible in online state (which is much />>/more complex/challenging task) without a problem, but offline i get />/> "storage is not available on selected target" (because there are />/> differenz zfs pools on both machines) />
>>> This is because offline and online migration use two very different
>>> mechanism.
>>> AFAIK Qemu NBD is used for online migration and ZFS send->recv is used
>>> for offline migration.
>> i had a closer look on offline-migration, and apparently zfs send->recv is only
>> being used with ZVOLS, the default for VMs on ZFS.
>> for normal (qcow/raw...) files on any filesystem (even zfs), pvesm export/import
>> is being used.
>> this is working straightforward and apparently, it seems there is missing
>> appropriate logic inside proxmox including missing parameterization in the webgui
>> (and probably error handling etc..) !?
>> for example, on the target system i can open a "receiver" like this:
>> # pvesm import ${TARGETDS}:100/vm-100-disk-0.qcow2 qcow2+size tcp:// -with-snapshots 1 -allow-rename 1
>> where on the source i can send the data like this:
>> # /sbin/pvesm export ${SOURCEDS}:100/vm-100-disk-0.qcow2 qcow2+size - -with-snapshots 1|mbuffer -O
>> so we apparently see, what's being needed exists at the base level...
>>>> //>>/i guess there is no real technical hurdle, it just needs to get />>/implemented appropriatley !? />
>>> There is a patch in the works to make different target storages possible
>>> for offline migration.
>> has there been any progress on this in the meantime ?
> for compatible storages and setups (e.g., snapshots/replication impose further restrictions since that is hard to carry across different storage types/formats), --targetstorage should allow both live and offline migration and switching storages in one go. you can provide either a single targetstorage, or mappings of source to target storages, or a combination (which means the single storage is used as fallback for storages for which no explicit mapping exists).

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