[PVE-User] PVE - guest shutdown w/ node shutdown behavior ?

vom513 vom513 at gmail.com
Mon May 27 16:35:44 CEST 2024

Hello all,

I’m trying to confirm what this behavior is.  That is, when a host node shuts down, how are the guests shutdown ?  Specifically in relation to any guests that don’t have the agent installed.

My understanding is that PVE will do the following in this order:

Shutdown guest via agent … timeout
Shutdown guest via ACPI … timeout
Hard power-off

In systemd pve-guests.service this is ran upon stop:

	ExecStop=/usr/bin/pvesh --nooutput create /nodes/localhost/stopall

I also think I found the code where the 3 possibilities mentioned above happens:


   eval {
       if ($shutdown) {
           if (defined($conf) && get_qga_key($conf, 'enabled')) {
               mon_cmd($vmid, "guest-shutdown", timeout => $timeout);
           } else {
               mon_cmd($vmid, "system_powerdown");
       } else {
           mon_cmd($vmid, "quit");

I could be off base here, please let me know.

If that is the guest shutdown logic, does the “get_qga_key” check mean it’s checking that this is enabled in options (i.e. checkbox) or that it’s actually running ?

Is “system_powerdown” the ACPI method ?  It seems like that only gets called if the agent is enabled in config ?

Is “quit” the hard poweroff ?

So what about a guest that the agent option is checked but doesn’t have the agent installed ?

Sorry if any of this is unclear, I’m trying my best to articulate my questions here.


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