[PVE-User] use existing LE account

Alexander Burke alex at alexburke.ca
Mon May 20 00:06:00 CEST 2024

Hi Randy,

Create a new account in the UI. Let it write its files into that dir.

Edit them as you see fit.


On 2024-05-19 23:40, Randy Bush wrote:
> bennet
>> have a look at the files in "/etc/pve/priv/acme". They contain all the
>> information needed.
>      prox.rg.net:/home/randy# ls -la /etc/pve/priv/acme/
>      total 0
>      drwx------ 2 root www-data 0 May 19 16:46 ./
>      drwx------ 2 root www-data 0 May 19 16:46 ../
> i already had that information :)
> if there had been the classic directory `secret`, i would have known
> where to put my account key.  but ...
> randy
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