[PVE-User] vlan setup at time of host installation

Arjen leesteken+proxmox at pm.me
Sat Jul 15 22:43:37 CEST 2023

------- Original Message -------
On Saturday, July 15th, 2023 at 22:25, Timo Veith <timo.veith at uni-tuebingen.de> wrote:

> Dear pve users,
> I am totally new to pve. Is there a recommended way to setup vlans during the installation of a host? I have found some notes about vlans in the documentation but it only describes some sections in /etc/network/interfaces but it doesn’t say when this should be done. In fact I did one of the proposed methods and I can connect to the management ip address in that vlan but I wonder if it was right how I did it. I installed from the iso, configured some ip because I didn’t find any option for using vlans in the installer and then searched through the documentation. I changed the /etc/network/interfaces and did a reboot. Where after I was able to connect to the ip address that I configured. However in the console I can still read „use blabla ip and port 8006“ which is the ip I used during the installation.
> Cheers
> Timo

Don't panic; you did nothing wrong. The installer is rather simple and only does the basic installation. 
It's common to setup more complex things (like vlan) after installation. If the Proxmox GUI does not support it, or is not (yet) reachable, you do those things on the Proxmox console. 
The console welcome message probably takes the IP address from /etc/hosts, which you also need to manually adjust to match the new IP.

Best regards

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