[PVE-User] Proxmox VE 7.0 (beta) released!

Mark Schouten mark at tuxis.nl
Tue Jun 29 10:05:44 CEST 2021


Op 24-06-2021 om 15:16 schreef Martin Maurer:
> We are pleased to announce the first beta release of Proxmox Virtual 
> Environment 7.0! The 7.x family is based on the great Debian 11 
> "Bullseye" and comes with a 5.11 kernel, QEMU 6.0, LXC 4.0, OpenZFS 2.0.4.

I just upgraded a node in our demo cluster and all seemed fine. Except 
for non-working cluster network. I was unable to ping the node through 
the cluster interface, pvecm saw no other nodes and ceph was broken.

However, if I ran tcpdump, ping started working, but not the rest.

Interesting situation, which I 'fixed' by disabling vlan-aware-bridge 
for that interface. After the reboot, everything works (AFAICS).

If Proxmox wants to debug this, feel free to reach out to me, I can 
grant you access to this node so you can check it out.

Mark Schouten
CTO, Tuxis B.V. | https://www.tuxis.nl/
<mark at tuxis.nl> | +31 318 200208

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