[PVE-User] After update Ceph monitor shows wrong version in UI and is down and out of quorum

Frank Thommen f.thommen at dkfz-heidelberg.de
Mon Jan 4 12:44:57 CET 2021

Dear all,

one of our three PVE hypervisors in the cluster crashed (it was fenced 
successfully) and rebooted automatically.  I took the chance to do a 
complete dist-upgrade and rebooted again.

The PVE Ceph dashboard now reports, that

   * the monitor on the host is down (out of quorum), and
   * "A newer version was installed but old version still running, 
please restart"

The Ceph UI reports monitor version 14.2.11 while in fact 14.2.16 is 
installed. The hypervisor has been rebooted twice since the upgrade, so 
it should be basically impossible that the old version is still running.

`systemctl restart ceph.target` and restarting the monitor through the 
PVE Ceph UI didn't help. The hypervisor is running PVE 6.3-3 (the other 
two are running 6.3-2 with monitor 14.2.15)

What to do in this situation?

I am happy with either UI or commandline instructions, but I have no 
Ceph experience besides setting up it up following the PVE instructions.

Any help or hint is appreciated.
Cheers, Frank

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