[PVE-User] Server performance question

Leandro Roggerone leandro at tecnetmza.com.ar
Tue Feb 9 14:46:49 CET 2021

Hi guys , I noticed some vms applications are running very slow.
For instance , I'm running librenms on a dedicated vm , which takes too
long to load its views.
After checking my box I have following questions:
Executing top command on pve cli , I can see:

################################### When looking to cpu load with top
command , I see:
top - 10:16:53 up 53 days, 13 min,  4 users,  load average: 14.74, 8.60,
Tasks: 659 total,   1 running, 658 sleeping,   0 stopped,   0 zombie
%Cpu0  :   1.5/12.2   14[||||||||||||||
%Cpu1  :   3.7/5.4     9[|||||||||
%Cpu2  :   1.3/1.7     3[|||
%Cpu3  :   3.0/3.0     6[||||||
%Cpu4  :   2.3/1.0     3[|||
%Cpu5  :   0.7/2.6     3[||||
%Cpu6  :   1.0/2.7     4[||||
%Cpu7  :   2.3/1.3     4[|||
%Cpu8  :   1.7/1.0     3[|||
%Cpu9  :   1.3/7.4     9[||||||||
%Cpu10 :   1.3/2.0     3[|||
%Cpu11 :   1.3/9.8    11[|||||||||||
%Cpu12 :   1.4/1.4     3[||
%Cpu13 :   5.7/7.4    13[|||||||||||||
%Cpu14 :   2.0/1.3     3[|||
%Cpu15 :   3.3/4.7     8[||||||||
%Cpu16 :   1.7/1.0     3[|||
%Cpu17 :   4.8/9.2    14[||||||||||||||
%Cpu18 :   1.3/0.7     2[||
%Cpu19 :   1.0/3.7     5[|||||
%Cpu20 :   2.7/1.7     4[|||||
%Cpu21 :   2.7/0.7     3[||||
%Cpu22 :   5.0/1.7     7[|||||||
%Cpu23 :   2.4/2.7     5[|||||
MiB Mem :  64404.3 total,   3516.4 free,  56097.8 used,   4790.0 buff/cache
MiB Swap:   8192.0 total,    734.0 free,   7458.0 used.   5235.3 avail Mem

################################### When looking to memory usage with top
command at cli:
MiB Mem : 92.1/64404.3
MiB Swap: 91.0/8192.0

###################################When I see "summary" at pve tab it shows:
 CPU usage 17.08% of 24 CPU(s)
 Load average 9.37,10.23,9.12

 RAM usage 87.79% (55.22 GiB of 62.89 GiB
 SWAP usage 91.04% (7.28 GiB of 8.00 GiB)

Have following quesions:
Is my system at full capacity ??
cpu usage looks like it is around 20% and less so ... it is not at full
cpu load shows
 load average: 14.74, 8.60, 8.44   (top)
 Load average 9.37,10.23,9.12     (gui)
(Both values are dynamically moving , so the are not same but refers to
same parameter)
It shows that the system is at very high utilization.

Why is swap memory almost full ?
Will the Systeml use swap memory or physic memory first ?
Should I increase my swap memory ? I

Regarding cpu resources when creating VM.
I use to set
1 socket and 4 cores for applications like librenms monitoring 15 devices.
Proxmox allows me to set maximum
sockets : 4
cores: 28

So , I'm wondering what happens if I use the maximum available cpu
resources for all my VMs.
Will it force the system to have a better distribution of cpus load ?
if not ... What would be the difference to set max cpu resources to all my

That's all ... sorry for the loooong email.
Any feeling about this would be welcome.

de virus. www.avast.com

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