[PVE-User] Edit: Boot Order mask

Piviul piviul at riminilug.it
Thu Apr 15 16:03:08 CEST 2021

Il 14/04/21 18:15, Alain Péan ha scritto:
> Hi Piviul,
> I don't think only a difference in kernel could explain this 
> difference in the web interface, if the other packages are the same. 
> Did you try to clear the cache in your web browsers ?
> The attached files are indeed there. I looked at the versions, and all 
> three appears up to date, so for me, the only origin that I can 
> suppose could be the browser cache.

But I'm sure it's not a cache browser because I have clear the cache and 
I have tested this problem in different browsers in different PCs... in 
my opinion there is a bug: during the node upgrade to 6.3, proxmox VE 
doesn't update the code that generate the Boot order option mask. Please 
can you verify if in your 6.3 proxomox nodes that are updates from 
previously 6.2 you can see the new drag and drop boot order mask?

Thank you very much


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