[PVE-User] Backup broken?

Bernhard Dick bernhard at bdick.de
Sun Nov 1 14:14:48 CET 2020


Am 01.11.2020 um 13:48 schrieb Thomas Lamprecht:
> Hi,
> On 31.10.20 15:11, Bernhard Dick wrote:
>> I've a weekly backup job on my proxmox (community version 6.2) infrastructure. Yesterday I've updated to the latest package versions available and in the night the backup job ran. But he decided to first create a backup and then delete _all_ backups being on the backup location which is now empty besides some log files.
>> Here is an excerpt of one of the mailed logs:
>> [..]
> It'd be great if you could provided the full task log, not only an excerpt.
Here is a full log of two Systems (one container, one VM) of from the job:

vzdump --quiet 1 --mailnotification always --mailto bernhard at bdick.de 
--compress lzo --mode snapshot --storage backup-fsn0 --node he2 --all 1

101: 2020-10-31 20:43:26 INFO: Starting Backup of VM 101 (lxc)
101: 2020-10-31 20:43:26 INFO: status = running
101: 2020-10-31 20:43:26 INFO: CT Name: ns0.bdick.de
101: 2020-10-31 20:43:26 INFO: including mount point rootfs ('/') in backup
101: 2020-10-31 20:43:26 INFO: backup mode: snapshot
101: 2020-10-31 20:43:26 INFO: ionice priority: 7
101: 2020-10-31 20:43:26 INFO: create storage snapshot 'vzdump'
101: 2020-10-31 20:43:27 INFO: creating vzdump archive 
101: 2020-10-31 20:44:05 INFO: Total bytes written: 838082560 (800MiB, 
101: 2020-10-31 20:44:06 INFO: archive file size: 383MB
101: 2020-10-31 20:44:06 INFO: removing backup 
101: 2020-10-31 20:44:06 INFO: remove vzdump snapshot
101: 2020-10-31 20:44:06 INFO: Finished Backup of VM 101 (00:00:40)

102: 2020-10-31 20:44:06 INFO: Starting Backup of VM 102 (qemu)
102: 2020-10-31 20:44:06 INFO: status = running
102: 2020-10-31 20:44:06 INFO: VM Name: db.bdick.de
102: 2020-10-31 20:44:06 INFO: include disk 'sata0' 
'local-zfs:vm-102-disk-0' 8G
102: 2020-10-31 20:44:06 INFO: backup mode: snapshot
102: 2020-10-31 20:44:06 INFO: ionice priority: 7
102: 2020-10-31 20:44:07 INFO: creating vzdump archive 
102: 2020-10-31 20:44:07 INFO: started backup task 
102: 2020-10-31 20:44:07 INFO: resuming VM again
102: 2020-10-31 20:44:10 INFO:   9% (738.9 MiB of 8.0 GiB) in  3s, read: 
246.3 MiB/s, write: 45.4 MiB/s
102: 2020-10-31 20:44:13 INFO:  12% (1.0 GiB of 8.0 GiB) in  6s, read: 
102.4 MiB/s, write: 89.2 MiB/s
102: 2020-10-31 20:44:16 INFO:  16% (1.3 GiB of 8.0 GiB) in  9s, read: 
96.8 MiB/s, write: 82.3 MiB/s
102: 2020-10-31 20:44:19 INFO:  17% (1.4 GiB of 8.0 GiB) in 12s, read: 
35.8 MiB/s, write: 26.7 MiB/s
102: 2020-10-31 20:44:22 INFO:  21% (1.7 GiB of 8.0 GiB) in 15s, read: 
115.6 MiB/s, write: 77.3 MiB/s
102: 2020-10-31 20:44:25 INFO:  24% (2.0 GiB of 8.0 GiB) in 18s, read: 
72.1 MiB/s, write: 71.7 MiB/s
102: 2020-10-31 20:44:28 INFO:  26% (2.1 GiB of 8.0 GiB) in 21s, read: 
53.6 MiB/s, write: 53.6 MiB/s
102: 2020-10-31 20:44:31 INFO:  27% (2.2 GiB of 8.0 GiB) in 24s, read: 
16.1 MiB/s, write: 16.1 MiB/s
102: 2020-10-31 20:44:34 INFO:  29% (2.4 GiB of 8.0 GiB) in 27s, read: 
78.6 MiB/s, write: 73.4 MiB/s
102: 2020-10-31 20:44:37 INFO:  33% (2.7 GiB of 8.0 GiB) in 30s, read: 
102.6 MiB/s, write: 71.5 MiB/s
102: 2020-10-31 20:44:40 INFO:  36% (2.9 GiB of 8.0 GiB) in 33s, read: 
80.7 MiB/s, write: 80.6 MiB/s
102: 2020-10-31 20:44:43 INFO:  39% (3.1 GiB of 8.0 GiB) in 36s, read: 
71.3 MiB/s, write: 71.3 MiB/s
102: 2020-10-31 20:44:46 INFO:  41% (3.3 GiB of 8.0 GiB) in 39s, read: 
66.5 MiB/s, write: 66.5 MiB/s
102: 2020-10-31 20:44:49 INFO:  44% (3.5 GiB of 8.0 GiB) in 42s, read: 
72.2 MiB/s, write: 72.2 MiB/s
102: 2020-10-31 20:44:52 INFO:  47% (3.8 GiB of 8.0 GiB) in 45s, read: 
97.6 MiB/s, write: 97.3 MiB/s
102: 2020-10-31 20:44:55 INFO:  52% (4.2 GiB of 8.0 GiB) in 48s, read: 
116.8 MiB/s, write: 55.6 MiB/s
102: 2020-10-31 20:44:58 INFO:  89% (7.2 GiB of 8.0 GiB) in 51s, read: 
1023.2 MiB/s, write: 0 B/s
102: 2020-10-31 20:44:59 INFO: 100% (8.0 GiB of 8.0 GiB) in 52s, read: 
846.9 MiB/s, write: 0 B/s
102: 2020-10-31 20:44:59 INFO: backup is sparse: 4.92 GiB (61%) total 
zero data
102: 2020-10-31 20:44:59 INFO: transferred 8.00 GiB in 52 seconds (157.5 
102: 2020-10-31 20:44:59 INFO: archive file size: 1.40GB
102: 2020-10-31 20:44:59 INFO: removing backup 
102: 2020-10-31 20:44:59 INFO: Finished Backup of VM 102 (00:00:53)

>> Is it possible that I've triggert a very evil bug here?
> Can you please post the storage config and the backup job one? I.e.,
> # cat /etc/pve/storage.cfg
dir: local
         path /var/lib/vz
         content backup,iso,vztmpl

zfspool: local-zfs
         pool rpool/data
         content rootdir,images
         sparse 1

cifs: backup-fsn0
         path /mnt/pve/backup-fsn0
         server uXXXXXX-sub1.your-storagebox.de
         share uXXXXXX-sub1
         content backup
         maxfiles 0
         username uXXXXXX-sub1

> # cat /etc/pve/vzdump.cron
# cluster wide vzdump cron schedule
# Automatically generated file - do not edit


0 2 * * 6           root vzdump --mailto bernhard at bdick.de --all 1 
--quiet 1 --compress lzo --mode snapshot --mailnotification always 
--storage backup-fsn0

I can even reproduce this behaviour by triggering the global Backup job 
from the web console. If I backup single VMs/Containers from the Host 
part of the web console it runs fine, however the global job removes 
also those backups when it is running.


> thanks!
> - Thomas

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