2 node cluster

tinfoil-hat list-sub at tinfoil-hat.net
Sun Aug 30 18:24:58 CEST 2020

Hi Folks,

I wanted to ask if it's possible and a proper solution to create a 2 node cluster with one noede powered off and just use as fallback when the other node needs maintainance. It's just a small home environment, but I plan to deploy a pfsense solution and a local dns / dhcp ldap and monitoring. So I wouldn't be able to access the Internet when I need to maintain the main host. So I tought, I cramp up an old desktop pc which will serve as fallback, that gets powered on, when I need to migrate my virtualised infrastructure. I am open to alternative suggestions. I would like to do it to teach myself in compsci, and I figured the best way was to adopt my homenetwork. I don't have other persons relying on the network, so I would just need to eat my own brewn soup.
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