[PVE-User] Ceph and NTP problems on Ryzen

Geoffray Levasseur fatalerrors at geoffray-levasseur.org
Wed Sep 11 17:14:05 CEST 2019


I have some difficulties on a Ryzen 5 2400G node. I switched recently to new version 6 with no problems except performances on that machine. The new kernel was suppose to have a better support but it actually is worse. Putting a quad port Intel 82571EB card on the PCI-Express 16x port is probably the orrigin of my troubles.

When IOMMU is activated I have very bad performances on the network card, and the server reboot after a few days unexpectingly.

When I put IOMMU in software mode, no unexpected reboot anymore but bed performances remain.

It turns Ceph extremely slow and it complain permanently with clock skew. NTP have extreme difficulties to do its job, both on hosted virtual machines and the host itself.

I read a lot about such troubles now fixed on video cards. But I dont think the network card scenario have been treated by kernel developpers. Is there any workaround for my situation?

Geoffray Levasseur
Technicien UPS - UMR CNRS 5566 / LEGOS - Service Informatique
        <fatalerrors at geoffray-levasseur.org>
        <geoffray.levasseur at legos.obs-mip.fr>
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