[PVE-User] Move VM's HDD incl. snapshots from one Ceph to another

Eneko Lacunza elacunza at binovo.es
Mon Aug 19 12:25:19 CEST 2019

Hi Uwe,

El 19/8/19 a las 10:14, Uwe Sauter escribió:
> is it possible to move a VM's disks from one Ceph cluster to another, including all snapshots that those disks have? The GUI
> doesn't let me do it but is there some commandline magic that will move the disks and all I have to do is edit the VM's config file?
> Background: I have two PVE clusters, one of which is already PVE 6. Now I need to move the VMs from the older to the newer cluster
> so I can re-install those machines with PVE 6. I know that an upgrade is possible but I'd like the cleaner approach of re-installing.
What storage are you using? (the snapshot thing can be a problem).


Zuzendari Teknikoa / Director Técnico
Binovo IT Human Project, S.L.
Telf. 943569206
Astigarraga bidea 2, 2º izq. oficina 11; 20180 Oiartzun (Gipuzkoa)

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