[PVE-User] 2node cluster

Andreas Heinlein aheinlein at gmx.com
Wed Jun 20 14:22:36 CEST 2018

Am 20.06.2018 um 13:01 schrieb Thomas Lamprecht:
> please don't do that, uneccessarily complicated and not good practice
> to depend an additional vote to itself through indirection...
> And if you add one in both nodes you win absolute nothing, as the cluster
> then expects 4 votes, with 3 for quorum. If one node (and it's VM) go
> down you have 2 votes left, i.e. no quorum...
> If you have a case where one node will always be up and the second may
> be shutdown from time to time just give the first "primary" node two
> votes via editing /etc/pve/corosync.conf [1]. Just increase the
> 'quorum_votes' for the respective node entry.
> cheers,
> Thomas
Just out of curiosity, does Proxmox support STONITH/node level fencing
using e.g. PDUs or UPS'?


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