[PVE-User] Two proxmox clusters sharing same storage

Eneko Lacunza elacunza at binovo.es
Thu Oct 16 12:43:48 CEST 2014

Hi Chris,

Likely explanation is that when you remove a VM, it looks for all disks 
(used and unused) on all storages for removal. It is confused because 
you use the very same export point for both clusters.

I suggest you use different export points for different clusters, even 
if on the same FS. If you what to share templates, just hardlink or 
bind-mount the directory. This will allow you to share the space without 
confusing Proxmox.


On 16/10/14 12:37, Chris Murray wrote:
> Hi,
> Can anyone explain why the below happens please and if it’s meant to?
> Suppose I have two clusters.
> Cluster #1 uses NFS mount A (and B and C)
> Cluster #2 uses NFS mount B (and C)
> On cluster #1, I create a VM with ID 113 on NFS A. Install an OS, all 
> fine.
> On cluster #2, I create a VM with ID 113 on NFS B. Install an OS, all 
> fine.
> Both are working at this point.
> On cluster #1, power down and remove VM 113.
> Cluster #2’s VM 113 hangs. Look on NFS B... the virtual disk has 
> disappeared.
> Why would the deletion of the VM from cluster #1 affect the disk on 
> NFS B, despite it not being used for that VM? I understand that 
> there’s a mount to B from cluster #1, but the only file it should have 
> deleted was on A.
> I ran into this while migrating from one cluster to another. I was 
> very careful to ensure that I wouldn’t overlap two VMs with one file 
> while I was DD’ing behind the scenes, but still suffered missing files 
> when some of the original VMs were deleted because some old VMs were 
> sharing the same ID numbers as new VMs.
> Regards,
> Chris
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Binovo IT Human Project, S.L.
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