[PVE-User] problems with 3.2-beta

Angel Docampo adocampo at dltec.net
Mon Feb 3 15:29:35 CET 2014

El 02/02/14 19:00, Adam Thompson escribió:
> (This isn't really new...) SPICE continues to be a major PITA when 
> running Ubuntu 12.04LTS as the management client.  Hmm, I just found a 
> PPA with virt-viewer packages that work.  I should update the Wiki 
> with that info, too.
Do you have a spice sound working version? It seems that sound support 
is broken in ubuntu.


*Angel Docampo
*Datalab Tecnologia, s.a.*
Castillejos, 352 - 08025 Barcelona
Tel. 93 476 69 14 - Ext: 706
Mob. 670.299.381

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