[PVE-User] Windows 2000 guest problem

Tanács Dávid Szilveszter tanacsdavid at sosperec.hu
Tue Sep 24 12:40:36 CEST 2013

I have two windows 2000 guest installed, and found the same problem. 
After a while (it can be minutes or days) the VM disappears from the 
network. It can ping itself, but noone else, and it cannot be pinged 
too. A reboot does not solve the problem, only boot in safe mode, remove 
the card, reinstall the card, and then reboot.

The machines are migrated from a Proxmox 2.3 with NFS storage to a 
3.1-3/dc0e9b0e with iSCSI/LVM.

Is this normal (ie. a gentle push to leave the Windows 2000), or are 
there any solutions?
Thank You!


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