[PVE-User] Moving from XenServer to Proxmox... slowly

Kurt Bauer kurt.bauer at univie.ac.at
Thu Oct 24 15:42:54 CEST 2013


we did pretty much the same thing over the past weeks, ie. changing fom
XEN to KVM (Proxmox) reusing the hardware already in place and
production. But we didn't went down the 2-Node cluster road, what we did
instead was, that we used an old server machine as a third node, just
for the sake of quorum and not having to deal with all the problems,
that may occur on a 2-Node cluster. No guests on that machine and as
soon as the 3rd production machine was free, we added it to the cluster
and removed the old one.
I guess performance is not an issue for that 3rd machine, as long as it
has no guests.

Hope that helps a little,
best regards,

Gerald Brandt schrieb:
> Hi,
> We've pretty much made the decision to move from Citrix XenServer to KVM (Proxmox) for our Virtual solution.  Unfortunately, I don't have all the computers available to me at the start, since migration will use the existing XenServer computers.
> To start, I'll have two servers, using a single iSCSI, in an HA cluster.  Once they are running and some of the virtual machines are migrated, I can add a third server.  Finally, I can add the fourth server.
> Is there anything I need to look out for when creating the 2 server HA cluster and then converting it to a 3 and 4 node cluster?
> Has anyone done this, and created a HOWTO I can follow?
> Thanks,
> Gerald
> ps: Been using Citrix XenServer since Jan 2009.  We've had enough issues with VM disk corruption to haunt me for year (using LVMoveriSCSI).  It's a bloody house of cards.
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