[PVE-User] Security question

Andreu Sànchez i Costa andreu.sanchez at iws.es
Wed Jun 5 09:41:15 CEST 2013

Depending on your scenario you could use an iptables rule for allowing ssh thru known ip addresses, setup an ipsec tunnel, or for example a simple knock-knock, ah, and you could use ssh keys too. 

----- Missatge original -----

De: "Adam Hunt" <voxadam at gmail.com> 
Per: pve-user at pve.proxmox.com 
Enviats: Dimecres, 5 de Juny 2013 9:23:26 
Assumpte: [PVE-User] Security question 

Warning: I'm new to Proxmox and pretty new to virtualization in general. 

I am looking at using Proxmox on a leased box in a rack somewhere for some personal projects. One thing that I've noticed about Proxmox is the use of root, access is available via both SSH and the web interface. Is this required for Proxmox to function properly? I've always been taught that it's a bad idea to expose root directly via SSH not to mention some web interface. 

If I end up using Proxmox on my leased server what is the best way to secure the interfaces? 

By the way, the leased box I am using only has a single NIC and IP at the moment. I can get more IPs if I have to but I'm limited to a single NIC. 

pve-user mailing list 
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Andreu Sànchez i Costa ( G PG key: 06AE46D1) 
Departament de Sistemes 

c/ Segria 34, 25006 Lleida 
Tlf: (+34) 973 23 41 06 & E-mail: andreu.sanchez at iws.es & Web: www.iws.es 
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