[PVE-User] WG: R: add wifi network interface in proxmox

Holger Ernst he at ernstdatenmedien.de
Mon Mar 5 12:12:21 CET 2012

Can you swich a wlan NIC into promiscuous mode?
Curious, Holger


Von: pve-user-bounces at pve.proxmox.com [mailto:pve-user-bounces at pve.proxmox.com] Im Auftrag von Marco Vaschetto
Gesendet: Montag, 5. März 2012 10:14
An: 'Lara S.'; pve-user at pve.proxmox.com
Betreff: [PVE-User] R: add wifi network interface in proxmox

Hi Lara,


why you try to change the name of wlan interface? I don' t think you need to do that.


If from proxmox web gui you don' t see the wlan interface go to file "/etc/network/interfaces" and edit it manualy.


For example should be like this:



Iface eth0 inet manual

auto wlan0

Iface wlan0 inet manual

                Wpa-ssid your-ssid-here

                Wpa-psk your-password.here


Iface vmbr0 inet static

                address you.address.here

                netmask your.subnet.mask.here

                gateway your.gateway.here

                bridge_ports wlan0

                bridge_stp off

                bridge_fd 0


Iface vmbr1 inet static

                address your.address.here

                netmask your.subnet.mask.here

                bridge_ports eth0

                bridge_stp off

                bridge_fd 0



Caution: I never try to configure a wlan interface whit a bridge, you can try this configuration but I didn' t know if i twill work.


You can get more information here: http://wiki.debian.org/BridgeNetworkConnections#Setting_up_your_Bridge


Da: pve-user-bounces at pve.proxmox.com [mailto:pve-user-bounces at pve.proxmox.com] Per conto di Lara S.
Inviato: lunedì 5 marzo 2012 09:27
A: pve-user at pve.proxmox.com
Oggetto: [PVE-User] add wifi network interface in proxmox


Hi for all!

first I want introduce me.

I install Proxmox last week and I am a beginner

On my server I have installed a PCI ethernet, which Proxmox has detected automatically.
Then I added a usb wifi card, I installed the drivers necessary for it to work.
I got up wlan0 interface and scan wireless networks, but can not see the wifi card in my environment and do not know how to add it.


I have changed wlan0 to eth1 in the file "/etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules"  but when I restart the computer to apply the changes are not applied, and I get thewireless interfaces as wlan0. 

other question is,how I can configure my wifi card to get internet and my ethernet card for my LAN?

a greeting

thank you very much

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