[pve-devel] [PATCH storage/qemu-server/manager v7] implement ova/ovf import for file based storages

Aaron Lauterer a.lauterer at proxmox.com
Mon Nov 18 18:35:30 CET 2024

On  2024-11-18  18:14, Filip Schauer wrote:
> Hello,
> I tried to quickly test the OVA import with a CentOS 7 OVA file that I
> downloaded from:
> https:// 
> dlconusc1.linuxvmimages.com/046389e06777452db2ccf9a32efa3760:dldatac/ 
> VirtualBox/C/7/CentOS_7.9.2009_VBM.zip
> 6785cb04dc5e7ab5a28ec139f631dfc8aeb8a6278c5fc66e1e7030d3f5a83b18 /var/ 
> lib/vz/import/CentOS_7.9.2009_VBM_LinuxVMImages.COM.ova
> After enabling the "import" content type on my local directory storage,
> the ova file shows up in the import section of the storage.
> Upon clicking "Import" in the web UI the "Import Guest" dialog opens
> along with an error message stating:
> XPath error : Undefined namespace prefix at /usr/share/perl5/PVE/ 
> GuestImport/OVF.pm line 239. (500)

I untar'ed that OVA and inspected the OVF. The filter for that is:
     my $xpath_find_firmware = 

The GNS3 OVF does have `vmw:Config` elements, though none for the 
firmware -> Default SeaBIOS

The CentOS OVF does not have any `vmw:Config` sub elements in that 
search path. That is probably what is causing the issue.

> Closing the error message also closes the import dialog, preventing me
> from importing.
> The same thing happens with this ArcoLinux OVA file:
> https://master.dl.sourceforge.net/project/linuxovafiles/GUI/ArcoLinux- 
> vm.ova?viasf=1 to /var/lib/vz/import/ArcoLinux-vm.ova
> 2b353ac59598bac24d4cf0721e367935d00178a31d84e09c94425bdee3dab6a1 /var/ 
> lib/vz/import/ArcoLinux-vm.ova
> Tested-by: Filip Schauer <f.schauer at proxmox.com>

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