[pve-devel] [PATCH ifupdown2 4/9] remove 0008-add-openvswitch-addon.patch
Alexandre Derumier
aderumier at odiso.com
Thu May 28 14:33:20 CEST 2020
openvswitch is now upstream
add extra-patch for ovs-ports-condone-regex
Signed-off-by: Alexandre Derumier <aderumier at odiso.com>
.../0001-ovs-ovs-ports-condone-regex.patch | 66 ++
.../pve/0008-add-openvswitch-addon.patch | 595 ------------------
debian/patches/series | 2 +-
3 files changed, 67 insertions(+), 596 deletions(-)
create mode 100644 debian/patches/extra/0001-ovs-ovs-ports-condone-regex.patch
delete mode 100644 debian/patches/pve/0008-add-openvswitch-addon.patch
diff --git a/debian/patches/extra/0001-ovs-ovs-ports-condone-regex.patch b/debian/patches/extra/0001-ovs-ovs-ports-condone-regex.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..745c5e0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/patches/extra/0001-ovs-ovs-ports-condone-regex.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+From 5efdf225e1f0e2705d44f36887c3e00207dd69d2 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Alexandre Derumier <aderumier at odiso.com>
+Date: Sat, 16 May 2020 08:11:22 +0200
+Subject: [PATCH] addon: openvswitch : add ovs-ports-condone-regex option
+Like for bridge, add a option to skip delete a regex list of interfaces.
+(can be usefull for hypervisor, when vm interfaces are dynamically plugged)
+ ifupdown2/addons/openvswitch.py | 18 ++++++++++++++++++
+ 1 file changed, 18 insertions(+)
+diff --git a/ifupdown2/addons/openvswitch.py b/ifupdown2/addons/openvswitch.py
+index 767d09a..468d7df 100644
+--- a/ifupdown2/addons/openvswitch.py
++++ b/ifupdown2/addons/openvswitch.py
+@@ -63,6 +63,11 @@ class openvswitch(Addon, moduleBase):
+ 'example': ['ovs_extra set bridge ${IFACE} other-config:hwaddr=00:59:cf:9c:84:3a -- br-set-external-id ${IFACE} bridge-id ${IFACE}']
+ },
++ 'ovs-ports-condone-regex': {
++ "help": "ovs ports to ignore/condone when reloading config / removing interfaces",
++ "required": False,
++ "example": ["ovs-ports-condone-regex ^[a-zA-Z0-9]+_v[0-9]{1,4}$"]
++ },
+ }
+ }
+@@ -94,6 +99,14 @@ def _get_running_ovs_ports (self, iface):
+ return ovs_ports
+ return None
++ def _get_ovs_port_condone_regex(self, ifaceobj, get_string = False):
++ ovs_port_condone_regex = ifaceobj.get_attr_value_first('ovs-ports-condone-regex')
++ if ovs_port_condone_regex:
++ if get_string:
++ return ovs_port_condone_regex
++ return re.compile (r"%s" % ovs_port_condone_regex)
++ return None
+ def _ovs_vsctl(self, ifaceobj, cmdlist):
+ if cmdlist:
+@@ -122,6 +135,7 @@ def _addbridge (self, ifaceobj):
+ ovsoptions = ifaceobj.get_attr_value_first ('ovs-options')
+ ovsextra = ifaceobj.get_attr_value('ovs-extra')
+ ovsmtu = ifaceobj.get_attr_value_first ('ovs-mtu')
++ ovsportscondoneregex = self._get_ovs_port_condone_regex(ifaceobj)
+ cmd_list = []
+@@ -137,11 +151,15 @@ def _addbridge (self, ifaceobj):
+ # on update, delete active ports not in the new port list
+ ovs_ports = self._get_ovs_ports(ifaceobj)
+ running_ovs_ports = self._get_running_ovs_ports(iface)
+ if running_ovs_ports is not None and ovs_ports is not None:
+ missingports = list(set(running_ovs_ports) - set(ovs_ports))
+ if missingports is not None:
+ for port in missingports:
++ if ovsportscondoneregex and ovsportscondoneregex.match(port):
++ self.logger.info("%s: port %s will stay enslaved as it matches with ovs-ports-condone-regex" % (ifaceobj.name, port))
++ continue
+ cmd = "--if-exists del-port %s %s"%(iface, port)
+ cmd_list.append(cmd)
diff --git a/debian/patches/pve/0008-add-openvswitch-addon.patch b/debian/patches/pve/0008-add-openvswitch-addon.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 847c0bf..0000000
--- a/debian/patches/pve/0008-add-openvswitch-addon.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,595 +0,0 @@
-From 4311f4deb9b95e67694c04ced13782a3608a176b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Alexandre Derumier <aderumier at odiso.com>
-Date: Mon, 17 Feb 2020 13:32:18 +0100
-Subject: [PATCH] add openvswitch addon
-Signed-off-by: Alexandre Derumier <aderumier at odiso.com>
- etc/network/ifupdown2/addons.conf | 4 +
- ifupdown2/addons/openvswitch.py | 248 ++++++++++++++++++++++++
- ifupdown2/addons/openvswitch_port.py | 274 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++
- ifupdown2/lib/iproute2.py | 3 +
- ifupdown2/nlmanager/nlpacket.py | 1 +
- 5 files changed, 530 insertions(+)
- create mode 100644 ifupdown2/addons/openvswitch.py
- create mode 100644 ifupdown2/addons/openvswitch_port.py
-diff --git a/etc/network/ifupdown2/addons.conf b/etc/network/ifupdown2/addons.conf
-index c43d377..8811cc2 100644
---- a/etc/network/ifupdown2/addons.conf
-+++ b/etc/network/ifupdown2/addons.conf
-@@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
- pre-up,xfrm
- pre-up,link
- pre-up,ppp
-@@ -43,3 +45,5 @@ post-down,usercmds
- post-down,link
- post-down,tunnel
- post-down,xfrm
-diff --git a/ifupdown2/addons/openvswitch.py b/ifupdown2/addons/openvswitch.py
-new file mode 100644
-index 0000000..1d4c563
---- /dev/null
-+++ b/ifupdown2/addons/openvswitch.py
-@@ -0,0 +1,248 @@
-+# Copyright 2020 Alexandre Derumier <aderumier at odiso.com>
-+# Author: Alexandre Derumier, aderumier at odiso.com
-+ from ifupdown2.lib.addon import Addon
-+ from ifupdown2.ifupdown.iface import *
-+ from ifupdown2.ifupdown.utils import utils
-+ from ifupdown2.ifupdownaddons.modulebase import moduleBase
-+ from ifupdown2.ifupdown.exceptions import moduleNotSupported
-+ import ifupdown2.ifupdown.ifupdownflags as ifupdownflags
-+ from lib.addon import Addon
-+ from ifupdown.iface import *
-+ from ifupdown.utils import utils
-+ from ifupdownaddons.modulebase import moduleBase
-+ from ifupdown.exceptions import moduleNotSupported
-+ import ifupdown.ifupdownflags as ifupdownflags
-+import logging
-+import re
-+import subprocess
-+import os
-+class openvswitch(Addon, moduleBase):
-+ """ ifupdown2 addon module to configure Openvswitch bridge """
-+ _modinfo = {
-+ 'mhelp': 'openvswitch module configure openvswitch bridges',
-+ 'attrs': {
-+ 'ovs-ports': {
-+ 'help': 'Interfaces to be part of this ovs bridge.',
-+ 'validvals': ['<interface-list>'],
-+ 'required': False,
-+ },
-+ 'ovs-type': {
-+ 'help': 'ovs interface type',
-+ 'validvals': ['OVSBridge'],
-+ 'required': True,
-+ },
-+ 'ovs-mtu': {
-+ 'help': 'Interface MTU (maximum transmission unit)',
-+ 'validrange': ['552', '9216'],
-+ 'example': ['ovs-mtu 1600'],
-+ 'default': '1500'
-+ },
-+ 'ovs-options': {
-+ 'help': 'This option lets you add extra arguments to a ovs-vsctl command',
-+ 'required': False,
-+ },
-+ 'ovs-extra': {
-+ 'help': 'This option lets you run additional ovs-vsctl commands,' +
-+ 'separated by "--" (double dash). Variables can be part of the "ovs_extra"' +
-+ 'option. You can provide all the standard environmental variables' +
-+ 'described in the interfaces(5) man page. You can also pass shell' +
-+ 'commands.extra args',
-+ 'required': False,
-+ 'example': ['ovs_extra set bridge ${IFACE} other-config:hwaddr=00:59:cf:9c:84:3a -- br-set-external-id ${IFACE} bridge-id ${IFACE}']
-+ },
-+ 'ovs-ports-condone-regex': {
-+ "help": "bridge ports to ignore/condone when reloading config / removing interfaces",
-+ "required": False,
-+ "default": "^(tap|veth|fwln)",
-+ "example": ["ovs-ports-condone-regex ^[a-zA-Z0-9]+_v[0-9]{1,4}$"]
-+ },
-+ }
-+ }
-+ def __init__ (self, *args, **kargs):
-+ moduleBase.__init__ (self, *args, **kargs)
-+ Addon.__init__(self)
-+ if not os.path.exists('/usr/bin/ovs-vsctl'):
-+ raise moduleNotSupported('module init failed: no /usr/bin/ovs-vsctl found')
-+ def _is_ovs_bridge (self, ifaceobj):
-+ ovstype = ifaceobj.get_attr_value_first('ovs-type')
-+ if ovstype:
-+ if ovstype == 'OVSBridge':
-+ return True
-+ else:
-+ return False
-+ return False
-+ def _get_ovs_ports (self, ifaceobj):
-+ ovs_ports = ifaceobj.get_attr_value_first('ovs-ports')
-+ if ovs_ports:
-+ return sorted (ovs_ports.split ())
-+ return None
-+ def _get_running_ovs_ports (self, iface):
-+ output = utils.exec_command("/usr/bin/ovs-vsctl list-ports %s" %iface)
-+ if output:
-+ ovs_ports = sorted(output.splitlines())
-+ return ovs_ports
-+ return None
-+ def _get_ovs_port_condone_regex(self, ifaceobj, get_string = False):
-+ ovs_port_condone_regex = ifaceobj.get_attr_value_first('ovs-ports-condone-regex')
-+ if not ovs_port_condone_regex:
-+ ovs_port_condone_regex = self.get_attr_default_value('ovs-ports-condone-regex')
-+ if ovs_port_condone_regex:
-+ if get_string:
-+ return ovs_port_condone_regex
-+ return re.compile (r"%s" % ovs_port_condone_regex)
-+ return None
-+ def _ovs_vsctl(self, ifaceobj, cmdlist):
-+ if cmdlist:
-+ os.environ['IFACE'] = ifaceobj.name if ifaceobj.name else ''
-+ os.environ['LOGICAL'] = ifaceobj.name if ifaceobj.name else ''
-+ os.environ['METHOD'] = ifaceobj.addr_method if ifaceobj.addr_method else ''
-+ os.environ['ADDRFAM'] = ','.join(ifaceobj.addr_family) if ifaceobj.addr_family else ''
-+ finalcmd = "/usr/bin/ovs-vsctl"
-+ for cmd in cmdlist:
-+ finalcmd = finalcmd + " -- " + cmd
-+ try:
-+ self.logger.debug ("Running %s" % (finalcmd))
-+ utils.exec_user_command(finalcmd)
-+ except subprocess.CalledProcessError as c:
-+ raise Exception ("Command \"%s failed: %s" % (finalcmd, c.output))
-+ except Exception as e:
-+ raise Exception ("%s" % e)
-+ def _addbridge (self, ifaceobj):
-+ iface = ifaceobj.name
-+ ovsoptions = ifaceobj.get_attr_value_first ('ovs-options')
-+ ovsextra = ifaceobj.get_attr_value('ovs-extra')
-+ ovsmtu = ifaceobj.get_attr_value_first ('ovs-mtu')
-+ cmd_list = []
-+ cmd = "--may-exist add-br %s"%(iface)
-+ cmd_list.append(cmd)
-+ if ovsoptions:
-+ cmd = "set bridge %s %s" %(iface, ovsoptions)
-+ cmd_list.append(cmd)
-+ #update
-+ if self.cache.link_exists (iface):
-+ ovsportscondoneregex = self._get_ovs_port_condone_regex(ifaceobj)
-+ # on update, delete active ports not in the new port list
-+ ovs_ports = self._get_ovs_ports(ifaceobj)
-+ running_ovs_ports = self._get_running_ovs_ports(iface)
-+ if running_ovs_ports is not None and ovs_ports is not None:
-+ missingports = list(set(running_ovs_ports) - set(ovs_ports))
-+ if missingports is not None:
-+ for port in missingports:
-+ if ovsportscondoneregex and ovsportscondoneregex.match(port):
-+ self.logger.info("%s: port %s will stay enslaved as it matches with ovs-ports-condone-regex" % (ifaceobj.name, port))
-+ continue
-+ cmd = "--if-exists del-port %s %s"%(iface, port)
-+ cmd_list.append(cmd)
-+ #clear old bridge options
-+ cmd = "--if-exists clear bridge %s auto_attach controller external-ids fail_mode flood_vlans ipfix mirrors netflow other_config protocols sflow"%(iface)
-+ cmd_list.append(cmd)
-+ #clear old interface options
-+ cmd = "--if-exists clear interface %s mtu_request external-ids other_config options"%(iface)
-+ cmd_list.append(cmd)
-+ if ovsextra is not None:
-+ cmd_list.extend(ovsextra)
-+ if ovsmtu is not None:
-+ cmd = "set Interface %s mtu_request=%s"%(iface, ovsmtu)
-+ cmd_list.append(cmd)
-+ self._ovs_vsctl(ifaceobj, cmd_list)
-+ if not self.cache.link_exists(ifaceobj.name):
-+ self.iproute2.link_add_openvswitch(ifaceobj.name, "openvswitch")
-+ def _delbridge (self, ifaceobj):
-+ cmd = "del-br %s"%(ifaceobj.name)
-+ self._ovs_vsctl(ifaceobj, [cmd])
-+ def get_dependent_ifacenames (self, ifaceobj, ifaceobjs_all=None):
-+ return None
-+ def _up (self, ifaceobj):
-+ self._addbridge (ifaceobj)
-+ def _down (self, ifaceobj):
-+ if not ifupdownflags.flags.PERFMODE and not self.cache.link_exists (ifaceobj.name):
-+ return
-+ self._delbridge (ifaceobj)
-+ def _query_check (self, ifaceobj, ifaceobjcurr):
-+ if not self.cache.link_exists (ifaceobj.name):
-+ return
-+ return
-+ _run_ops = {
-+ 'pre-up': _up,
-+ 'post-down': _down,
-+ 'query-checkcurr': _query_check
-+ }
-+ def get_ops (self):
-+ """ returns list of ops supported by this module """
-+ return self._run_ops.keys ()
-+ def run (self, ifaceobj, operation, query_ifaceobj = None, **extra_args):
-+ """ run openvswitch configuration on the interface object passed as argument
-+ Args:
-+ **ifaceobj** (object): iface object
-+ **operation** (str): any of 'pre-up', 'post-down', 'query-checkcurr',
-+ 'query-running'
-+ Kwargs:
-+ **query_ifaceobj** (object): query check ifaceobject. This is only
-+ valid when op is 'query-checkcurr'. It is an object same as
-+ ifaceobj, but contains running attribute values and its config
-+ status. The modules can use it to return queried running state
-+ of interfaces. status is success if the running state is same
-+ as user required state in ifaceobj. error otherwise.
-+ """
-+ op_handler = self._run_ops.get (operation)
-+ if not op_handler:
-+ return
-+ if (operation != 'query-running' and not self._is_ovs_bridge (ifaceobj)):
-+ return
-+ if operation == 'query-checkcurr':
-+ op_handler (self, ifaceobj, query_ifaceobj)
-+ else:
-+ op_handler (self, ifaceobj)
-diff --git a/ifupdown2/addons/openvswitch_port.py b/ifupdown2/addons/openvswitch_port.py
-new file mode 100644
-index 0000000..e34cc18
---- /dev/null
-+++ b/ifupdown2/addons/openvswitch_port.py
-@@ -0,0 +1,274 @@
-+# Copyright 2020 Alexandre Derumier <aderumier at odiso.com>
-+# Author: Alexandre Derumier, aderumier at odiso.com
-+ from ifupdown2.lib.addon import Addon
-+ from ifupdown2.ifupdown.iface import *
-+ from ifupdown2.ifupdown.utils import utils
-+ from ifupdown2.ifupdownaddons.modulebase import moduleBase
-+ from ifupdown2.ifupdown.exceptions import moduleNotSupported
-+ import ifupdown2.ifupdown.ifupdownflags as ifupdownflags
-+ from lib.addon import Addon
-+ from ifupdown.iface import *
-+ from ifupdown.utils import utils
-+ from ifupdownaddons.modulebase import moduleBase
-+ from ifupdown.exceptions import moduleNotSupported
-+ import ifupdown.ifupdownflags as ifupdownflags
-+import logging
-+import re
-+import subprocess
-+import os
-+class openvswitch_port(Addon, moduleBase):
-+ """ ifupdown2 addon module to configure openvswitch ports """
-+ _modinfo = {
-+ 'mhelp': 'openvswitch module configure openvswitch ports',
-+ 'attrs': {
-+ 'ovs-bridge': {
-+ 'help': 'Interfaces to be part of this ovs bridge',
-+ 'required': True,
-+ },
-+ 'ovs-type': {
-+ 'help': 'ovs interface type',
-+ 'validvals': ['OVSPort', 'OVSIntPort', 'OVSBond', 'OVSTunnel', 'OVSPatchPort'],
-+ 'required': True,
-+ 'example': ['ovs-type OVSPort'],
-+ },
-+ 'ovs-options': {
-+ 'help': 'This option lets you add extra arguments to a ovs-vsctl command',
-+ 'required': False,
-+ 'example': ['ovs_options bond_mode=balance-tcp lacp=active tag=100']
-+ },
-+ 'ovs-extra': {
-+ 'help': 'This option lets you run additional ovs-vsctl commands,' +
-+ 'separated by "--" (double dash). Variables can be part of the "ovs_extra"' +
-+ 'option. You can provide all the standard environmental variables' +
-+ 'described in the interfaces(5) man page. You can also pass shell' +
-+ 'commands.extra args',
-+ 'required': False,
-+ 'example': ['ovs_extra set interface ${IFACE} external-ids:iface-id=$(hostname -s)']
-+ },
-+ 'ovs-bonds': {
-+ 'help': 'Interfaces to be part of this ovs bond',
-+ 'validvals': ['<interface-list>'],
-+ 'required': False,
-+ },
-+ 'ovs-tunnel-type': {
-+ 'help': 'For "OVSTunnel" interfaces, the type of the tunnel',
-+ 'required': False,
-+ 'example': ['ovs-tunnel-type gre'],
-+ },
-+ 'ovs-tunnel-options': {
-+ 'help': 'For "OVSTunnel" interfaces, this field should be ' +
-+ 'used to specify the tunnel options like remote_ip, key, etc.',
-+ 'required': False,
-+ 'example': ['ovs-tunnel-options options:remote_ip= options:key=1'],
-+ },
-+ 'ovs-patch-peer': {
-+ 'help': 'ovs patch peer',
-+ 'required': False,
-+ 'example': ['ovs-patch-peer patch0'],
-+ },
-+ 'ovs-mtu': {
-+ 'help': 'mtu of the ovs interface',
-+ 'required': False,
-+ 'example': ['ovs-mtu 9000'],
-+ },
-+ }
-+ }
-+ def __init__ (self, *args, **kargs):
-+ moduleBase.__init__ (self, *args, **kargs)
-+ Addon.__init__(self)
-+ if not os.path.exists('/usr/bin/ovs-vsctl'):
-+ raise moduleNotSupported('module init failed: no /usr/bin/ovs-vsctl found')
-+ def _is_ovs_port (self, ifaceobj):
-+ ovstype = ifaceobj.get_attr_value_first ('ovs-type')
-+ ovsbridge = ifaceobj.get_attr_value_first ('ovs-bridge')
-+ if ovstype and ovsbridge:
-+ return True
-+ return False
-+ def _get_bond_ifaces (self, ifaceobj):
-+ ovs_bonds = ifaceobj.get_attr_value_first ('ovs-bonds')
-+ if ovs_bonds:
-+ return sorted (ovs_bonds.split ())
-+ return None
-+ def _ovs_vsctl(self, ifaceobj, cmdlist):
-+ if cmdlist:
-+ os.environ['IFACE'] = ifaceobj.name if ifaceobj.name else ''
-+ os.environ['LOGICAL'] = ifaceobj.name if ifaceobj.name else ''
-+ os.environ['METHOD'] = ifaceobj.addr_method if ifaceobj.addr_method else ''
-+ os.environ['ADDRFAM'] = ','.join(ifaceobj.addr_family) if ifaceobj.addr_family else ''
-+ finalcmd = "/usr/bin/ovs-vsctl"
-+ for cmd in cmdlist:
-+ finalcmd = finalcmd + " -- " + cmd
-+ try:
-+ self.logger.debug ("Running %s" % (finalcmd))
-+ utils.exec_user_command(finalcmd)
-+ except subprocess.CalledProcessError as c:
-+ raise Exception ("Command \"%s failed: %s" % (finalcmd, c.output))
-+ except Exception as e:
-+ raise Exception ("%s" % e)
-+ def _addport (self, ifaceobj):
-+ iface = ifaceobj.name
-+ ovsbridge = ifaceobj.get_attr_value_first ('ovs-bridge')
-+ ovsoptions = ifaceobj.get_attr_value_first ('ovs-options')
-+ ovstype = ifaceobj.get_attr_value_first ('ovs-type')
-+ ovsbonds = ifaceobj.get_attr_value_first ('ovs-bonds')
-+ ovsextra = ifaceobj.get_attr_value('ovs-extra')
-+ cmd_list = []
-+ if ovstype == 'OVSBond':
-+ if ovsbonds is None:
-+ raise Exception ("missing ovs-bonds option")
-+ cmd = "--may-exist --fake-iface add-bond %s %s %s"%(ovsbridge, iface, ovsbonds)
-+ cmd_list.append(cmd)
-+ else:
-+ cmd = "--may-exist add-port %s %s"%(ovsbridge, iface)
-+ cmd_list.append(cmd)
-+ #clear old ports options
-+ cmd = "--if-exists clear port %s bond_active_slave bond_mode cvlans external_ids lacp mac other_config qos tag trunks vlan_mode"%(iface)
-+ cmd_list.append(cmd)
-+ #clear old interface options
-+ cmd = "--if-exists clear interface %s mtu_request external-ids other_config options"%(iface)
-+ cmd_list.append(cmd)
-+ if ovsoptions:
-+ cmd = "set Port %s %s" %(iface, ovsoptions)
-+ cmd_list.append(cmd)
-+ if ovstype == 'OVSIntPort':
-+ cmd = "set Interface %s type=internal"%(iface)
-+ cmd_list.append(cmd)
-+ if ovstype == 'OVSTunnel':
-+ ovstunneltype = ifaceobj.get_attr_value_first ('ovs-tunnel-type')
-+ if ovstunneltype is None:
-+ raise Exception ("missing ovs-tunnel-type option")
-+ ovstunneloptions = ifaceobj.get_attr_value_first('ovs-tunnel-options')
-+ if ovstunneloptions is None:
-+ raise Exception ("missing ovs-tunnel-options option")
-+ cmd = "set Interface %s type=%s %s"%(iface, ovstunneltype, ovstunneloptions)
-+ cmd_list.append(cmd)
-+ if ovstype == 'OVSPatchPort':
-+ ovspatchpeer = ifaceobj.get_attr_value_first ('ovs-patch-peer')
-+ if ovspatchpeer is None:
-+ raise Exception ("missing ovs-patch-peer")
-+ cmd = "set Interface %s type=patch options:peer=%s"%(iface, ovspatchpeer)
-+ cmd_list.append(cmd)
-+ #mtu
-+ ovsmtu = ifaceobj.get_attr_value_first ('ovs-mtu')
-+ ovsbonds_list = self._get_bond_ifaces(ifaceobj)
-+ if ovsmtu is not None:
-+ #we can't set mtu on bond fake interface, we apply it on slaves interfaces
-+ if ovstype == 'OVSBond' and ovsbonds_list is not None:
-+ for slave in ovsbonds_list:
-+ cmd = "set Interface %s mtu_request=%s"%(slave,ovsmtu)
-+ cmd_list.append(cmd)
-+ else:
-+ cmd = "set Interface %s mtu_request=%s"%(iface,ovsmtu)
-+ cmd_list.append(cmd)
-+ #extra
-+ if ovsextra is not None:
-+ cmd_list.extend(ovsextra)
-+ self._ovs_vsctl(ifaceobj, cmd_list)
-+ if ovstype != 'OVSTunnel' and ovstype != 'OVSPatchPort':
-+ if not self.cache.link_exists(ifaceobj.name):
-+ self.iproute2.link_add_openvswitch(ifaceobj.name, "openvswitch")
-+ def _delport (self, ifaceobj):
-+ iface = ifaceobj.name
-+ ovsbridge = ifaceobj.get_attr_value_first ('ovs-bridge')
-+ cmd = "--if-exists del-port %s %s"%(ovsbridge, iface)
-+ self._ovs_vsctl(ifaceobj, [cmd])
-+ def get_dependent_ifacenames (self, ifaceobj, ifaceobjs_all=None):
-+ if not self._is_ovs_port (ifaceobj):
-+ return None
-+ ovsbridge = ifaceobj.get_attr_value_first ('ovs-bridge')
-+ return [ovsbridge]
-+ def _up (self, ifaceobj):
-+ self._addport (ifaceobj)
-+ def _down (self, ifaceobj):
-+ if not ifupdownflags.flags.PERFMODE and not self.cache.link_exists (ifaceobj.name):
-+ return
-+ self._delport (ifaceobj)
-+ def _query_check (self, ifaceobj, ifaceobjcurr):
-+ if not self.cache.link_exists (ifaceobj.name):
-+ return
-+ return
-+ _run_ops = {
-+ 'pre-up': _up,
-+ 'post-down': _down,
-+ 'query-checkcurr': _query_check
-+ }
-+ def get_ops (self):
-+ """ returns list of ops supported by this module """
-+ return self._run_ops.keys ()
-+ def run (self, ifaceobj, operation, query_ifaceobj = None, **extra_args):
-+ """ run Openvswitch port configuration on the interface object passed as argument
-+ Args:
-+ **ifaceobj** (object): iface object
-+ **operation** (str): any of 'pre-up', 'post-down', 'query-checkcurr',
-+ 'query-running'
-+ Kwargs:
-+ **query_ifaceobj** (object): query check ifaceobject. This is only
-+ valid when op is 'query-checkcurr'. It is an object same as
-+ ifaceobj, but contains running attribute values and its config
-+ status. The modules can use it to return queried running state
-+ of interfaces. status is success if the running state is same
-+ as user required state in ifaceobj. error otherwise.
-+ """
-+ op_handler = self._run_ops.get (operation)
-+ if not op_handler:
-+ return
-+ if (operation != 'query-running' and not self._is_ovs_port (ifaceobj)):
-+ return
-+ if operation == 'query-checkcurr':
-+ op_handler (self, ifaceobj, query_ifaceobj)
-+ else:
-+ op_handler (self, ifaceobj)
-diff --git a/ifupdown2/lib/iproute2.py b/ifupdown2/lib/iproute2.py
-index 704d120..a1223b9 100644
---- a/ifupdown2/lib/iproute2.py
-+++ b/ifupdown2/lib/iproute2.py
-@@ -334,6 +334,9 @@ class IPRoute2(Cache, Requirements):
- def link_add_xfrm(ifname, xfrm_name, xfrm_id):
- utils.exec_commandl(['ip', 'link', 'add', xfrm_name, 'type', 'xfrm', 'dev', ifname, 'if_id', xfrm_id])
-+ def link_add_openvswitch(self, ifname, kind):
-+ self.__update_cache_after_link_creation(ifname, kind)
- ############################################################################
- ############################################################################
-diff --git a/ifupdown2/nlmanager/nlpacket.py b/ifupdown2/nlmanager/nlpacket.py
-index fcb89fb..c8a0697 100644
---- a/ifupdown2/nlmanager/nlpacket.py
-+++ b/ifupdown2/nlmanager/nlpacket.py
-@@ -2791,6 +2791,7 @@ class AttributeIFLA_LINKINFO(Attribute):
- "dummy",
- "bridge",
- "macvlan",
-+ "openvswitch"
- ):
- self.log.debug('Unsupported IFLA_INFO_KIND %s' % kind)
- return
diff --git a/debian/patches/series b/debian/patches/series
index 17eb6b8..8363c15 100644
--- a/debian/patches/series
+++ b/debian/patches/series
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
@@ -5,5 +6,4 @@ pve/0004-don-t-remove-bridge-is-tap-veth-are-still-plugged.patch
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