[pve-devel] applied: [PATCH frr] bump to 7.2

Thomas Lamprecht t.lamprecht at proxmox.com
Fri Nov 15 09:01:16 CET 2019

On 11/14/19 11:32 PM, Alexandre Derumier wrote:
> This release fix last evpn bugs.
> (need to update proxmox frr mirror to frr-7.2 tag)
> ---
>  Makefile         |  2 +-
>  debian/changelog |  6 ++++++
>  debian/control   | 18 ++++++++++++++++--
>  3 files changed, 23 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)

applied and pushed the 7.1 tag to the mirror_frr, thanks!

as Dietmar said, we have a bit limited resources for such a core
thematic like SDN, which needs a good experience with Networks and
PVE developing, and those people having that here are currently working
on other stuff..
I would like to see this, as I'd prefer it much more than OVS, but it
seems like we currently only can do best-effort on/off review/apply of
this SDN stuff, it's not the smallest feature.. just as heads-up :)

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