[pve-devel] move disk to LVM

Michael Rasmussen mir at datanom.net
Wed Feb 15 23:03:07 CET 2017

On Wed, 15 Feb 2017 22:43:09 +0100
Michael Rasmussen <mir at datanom.net> wrote:

> According to this Redhat bugzilla the safest thing to do should be to
> answer y to wipe signature or else you could end up with and unusual
> disk: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1056452
Default lvm behaviour seems to be to wipe signatures:
    # Set to 1 to wipe any signatures found on newly-created Logical Volumes
    # automatically in addition to zeroing of the first KB on the LV
    # (controlled by the -Z/--zero y option).
    # The command line option -W/--wipesignatures takes precedence over this
    # setting.
    # The default is to wipe signatures when zeroing.
    wipe_signatures_when_zeroing_new_lvs = 1

So it seems to be a command line option in proxmox to not to wipe found
signatures. Any reason for this decision?

Michael Rasmussen

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