[pve-devel] [PATCH pve-manager 6/8] use new VMSummaryBase class for lxc and qemu summary

Thomas Lamprecht t.lamprecht at proxmox.com
Wed Sep 23 17:54:44 CEST 2015

also the keys to display from the lxc config where updated as some
from OpenVZ times where used.

Signed-off-by: Thomas Lamprecht <t.lamprecht at proxmox.com>
 www/mobile/LXCSummary.js  | 179 ++--------------------------------------------
 www/mobile/QemuSummary.js | 175 ++------------------------------------------
 2 files changed, 12 insertions(+), 342 deletions(-)

diff --git a/www/mobile/LXCSummary.js b/www/mobile/LXCSummary.js
index 15f8005..a73f350 100644
--- a/www/mobile/LXCSummary.js
+++ b/www/mobile/LXCSummary.js
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 Ext.define('PVE.LXCSummary', {
-    extend: 'PVE.Page',
+    extend: 'PVE.VMSummaryBase',
     alias: 'widget.pveLXCSummary',
     statics: {
@@ -8,123 +8,12 @@ Ext.define('PVE.LXCSummary', {
-    nodename: undefined,
-    vmid: undefined,
+    vmtype: 'lxc',
-    vm_command: function(cmd, params) {
-	var me = this;
-	PVE.Utils.API2Request({
-	    params: params,
-	    url: '/nodes/' + me.nodename + '/lxc/' + me.vmid + '/status/' + cmd,
-	    method: 'POST',
-	    success: function(response, opts) {
-		var upid = response.result.data;
-		var page = 'nodes/'  + me.nodename + '/tasks/' + upid;
-		PVE.Workspace.gotoPage(page);
-	    },
-	    failure: function(response, opts) {
-		Ext.Msg.alert('Error', response.htmlStatus);
-	    }
-	});
-    },
-    config: {
-	items: [
-	    {
-		xtype: 'pveTitleBar'
-	    },
-	    {
-		xtype: 'component',
-		itemId: 'ctstatus',
-		styleHtmlContent: true,
-		style: 'background-color:white;',
-		tpl: [
-		    '<table style="margin-bottom:0px;">',
-		    '<tr><td>Status:</td><td>{status}</td></tr>',
-		    '<tr><td>Memory:</td><td>{[this.meminfo(values)]}</td></tr>',
-		    '<tr><td>CPU:</td><td>{[this.cpuinfo(values)]}</td></tr>',
-		    '<tr><td>Uptime:</td><td>{[PVE.Utils.format_duration_long'+
-		    '(values.uptime)]}</td></tr>',
-		    '</table>',
-		    {
-			meminfo: function(values) {
-			    if (!Ext.isDefined(values.mem)) {
-				return '-';
-			    }
-			    return PVE.Utils.format_size(values.mem || 0) + " of " +
-				PVE.Utils.format_size(values.maxmem);
-			},
-			cpuinfo: function(values) {
-			    if (!Ext.isDefined(values.cpu)) {
-				return '-';
-			    }
-			    var per = values.cpu * 100;
-			    return per.toFixed(2) + "% (" + values.cpus + " CPUs)";
-			}
-		    }
-		]
-	    },
-	    {
-		xtype: 'component',
-		padding: 5,
-		html: gettext('Configuration')
-	    },
-	    {
-		xtype: 'container',
-		scrollable: 'both',
-		flex: 1,
-		styleHtmlContent: true,
-		itemId: 'ctconfig',
-		style: 'background-color:white;white-space:pre;',
-		tpl: [
-		    '<table style="margin-bottom:0px;">',
-		    '<tpl for=".">',
-		    '<tr><td>{key}</td><td>{value}</td></tr>',
-		    '</tpl>',
-		    '</table>'
-		]
-	    }
-	]
-    },
-    reload: function() {
-	var me = this;
-	var cti = me.down('#ctstatus');
-	var error_handler = function(response) {
-	    me.setMasked({ xtype: 'loadmask', message: response.htmlStatus} );
-	};
-	PVE.Utils.API2Request({
-	    url: '/nodes/' + me.nodename + '/lxc/' + me.vmid + '/status/current',
-	    method: 'GET',
-	    success: function(response) {
-		var d = response.result.data;
-		cti.setData(d);
-	    },
-	    failure: error_handler
-	});
-	var ctc = me.down('#ctconfig');
-	PVE.Utils.API2Request({
-	    url: '/nodes/' + me.nodename + '/lxc/' + me.vmid + '/config',
-	    method: 'GET',
-	    success: function(response) {
-		var d = response.result.data;
-		var names = ['hostname', 'memory', 'swap', 'cpus', 'ostemplate',
-			     'ip_address', 'nameserver', 'searchdomain',
-			     'netif'];
-		var kv = PVE.Workspace.obj_to_kv(d, names);
-		ctc.setData(kv);
-	    },
-	    failure: error_handler
-	});
-    },
+    config_keys: [
+	'hostname','ostype', , 'memory', 'swap', 'cpulimit', 'cpuunits',
+	/^net\d+/, 'rootfs', /^mp\d+/, 'nameserver', 'searchdomain','description'
+    ],
     initialize: function() {
 	var me = this;
@@ -139,62 +28,6 @@ Ext.define('PVE.LXCSummary', {
 	me.down('titlebar').setTitle('CT: ' + me.vmid);
-	me.down('pveMenuButton').setMenuItems([
-	    {
-		text: gettext('Start'),
-		handler: function() {
-		    me.vm_command("start", {});
-		}
-	    },
-	    {
-		text: gettext('Suspend'),
-		handler: function() {
-		    me.vm_command("suspend", {});
-		}
-	    },
-	    {
-		text: gettext('Resume'),
-		handler: function() {
-		    me.vm_command("resume", {});
-		}
-	    },
-	    {
-		text: gettext('Shutdown'),
-		handler: function() {
-		    me.vm_command("shutdown", {});
-		}
-	    },
-	    {
-		text: gettext('Stop'),
-		handler: function() {
-		    me.vm_command("stop", {});
-		}
-	    },
-	    {
-		text: gettext('Migrate'),
-		handler: function() {
-		    PVE.Workspace.gotoPage('nodes/' + me.nodename + '/lxc/'
-					   + me.vmid + '/migrate');
-		}
-	    },
-	    {
-		text: gettext('Console'),
-		handler: function() {
-		    PVE.Utils.openConsoleWindow('html5', 'lxc', me.vmid,
-					      me.nodename);
-		}
-	    },
-	    {
-		text: gettext('Spice'),
-		handler: function() {
-		    PVE.Utils.openConsoleWindow('vv', 'lxc', me.vmid,
-						me.nodename);
-		}
-	    }
-	]);
-	me.reload();
diff --git a/www/mobile/QemuSummary.js b/www/mobile/QemuSummary.js
index ad72460..6cbaba1 100644
--- a/www/mobile/QemuSummary.js
+++ b/www/mobile/QemuSummary.js
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 Ext.define('PVE.QemuSummary', {
-    extend: 'PVE.Page',
+    extend: 'PVE.VMSummaryBase',
     alias: 'widget.pveQemuSummary',
     statics: {
@@ -8,122 +8,12 @@ Ext.define('PVE.QemuSummary', {
-    nodename: undefined,
-    vmid: undefined,
+    vmtype: 'qemu',
-    vm_command: function(cmd, params) {
-	var me = this;
-	PVE.Utils.API2Request({
-	    params: params,
-	    url: '/nodes/' + me.nodename + '/qemu/' + me.vmid + '/status/' + cmd,
-	    method: 'POST',
-	    success: function(response, opts) {
-		var upid = response.result.data;
-		var page = 'nodes/'  + me.nodename + '/tasks/' + upid;
-		PVE.Workspace.gotoPage(page);
-	    },
-	    failure: function(response, opts) {
-		Ext.Msg.alert('Error', response.htmlStatus);
-	    }
-	});
-    },
-    config: {
-	items: [
-	    { 
-		xtype: 'pveTitleBar'
-	    },
-	    {
-		xtype: 'component',
-		itemId: 'vmstatus',
-		styleHtmlContent: true,
-		style: 'background-color:white;',
-		tpl: [
-		    '<table style="margin-bottom:0px;">',
-		    '<tr><td>Status:</td><td>{qmpstatus}</td></tr>',
-		    '<tr><td>Memory:</td><td>{[this.meminfo(values)]}</td></tr>',
-		    '<tr><td>CPU:</td><td>{[this.cpuinfo(values)]}</td></tr>',
-		    '<tr><td>Uptime:</td><td>{[PVE.Utils.format_duration_long(values.uptime)]}</td></tr>',
-		    '</table>',
-		    {
-			meminfo: function(values) {
-			    if (!Ext.isDefined(values.mem)) {
-				return '-';
-			    }
-			    return PVE.Utils.format_size(values.mem || 0) + " of " + 
-				PVE.Utils.format_size(values.maxmem);
-			},
-			cpuinfo: function(values) {
-			    if (!Ext.isDefined(values.cpu)) {
-				return '-';
-			    }
-			    var per = values.cpu * 100;
-			    return per.toFixed(2) + "% (" + values.cpus + " CPUs)";
-			}
-		    }
-		]
-	    },
-	    {
-		xtype: 'component',
-		cls: 'dark',
- 		padding: 5,
-		html: gettext('Configuration')
-	    },
-	    {
-                xtype: 'container',
-		scrollable: 'both',
-		flex: 1,
-		styleHtmlContent: true,
-		itemId: 'vmconfig',
-		style: 'background-color:white;white-space:pre',
-		tpl: [
-		    '<table style="margin-bottom:0px;">',
-		    '<tpl for=".">',
-		    '<tr><td>{key}</td><td>{value}</td></tr>',
-		    '</tpl>',
-		    '</table>'
-		]
-	    }
-   	]
-    },
-    reload: function() {
- 	var me = this;
-	var vmi = me.down('#vmstatus');
-	var error_handler = function(response) {
-	    me.setMasked({ xtype: 'loadmask', message: response.htmlStatus} );
-	};
-	PVE.Utils.API2Request({
-	    url: '/nodes/' + me.nodename + '/qemu/' + me.vmid + '/status/current',
-	    method: 'GET',
-	    success: function(response) {
-		var d = response.result.data;
-		vmi.setData(d);
-	    },
-	    failure: error_handler
-	});
-	var vmc = me.down('#vmconfig');
-	PVE.Utils.API2Request({
-	    url: '/nodes/' + me.nodename + '/qemu/' + me.vmid + '/config',
-	    method: 'GET',
-	    success: function(response) {
-		var d = response.result.data;
-		var names = ['name', 'memory', 'sockets', 'cores', 'ostype',
-			     'bootdisk', /^net\d+/, 
-			     /^ide\d+/, /^virtio\d+/, /^sata\d+/, 
-			     /^scsi\d+/, /^unused\d+/ ];
-		var kv = PVE.Workspace.obj_to_kv(d, names);
-		vmc.setData(kv);
-	    },
-	    failure: error_handler
-	});
-    },
+    config_keys: [
+	'name', 'memory', 'sockets', 'cores', 'ostype', 'bootdisk', /^net\d+/,
+	/^ide\d+/, /^virtio\d+/, /^sata\d+/, /^scsi\d+/, /^unused\d+/
+    ],
     initialize: function() {
 	var me = this;
@@ -138,59 +28,6 @@ Ext.define('PVE.QemuSummary', {
 	me.down('titlebar').setTitle('VM: ' + me.vmid);
-	me.down('pveMenuButton').setMenuItems([
-	    {
-		text: gettext('Start'),
-		handler: function() {
-		    me.vm_command("start", {});
-		}
-	    },
-	    { 
-		text: gettext('Suspend'),
-		handler: function() {
-		    me.vm_command("suspend", {});
-		}
-	    },
-	    { 
-		text: gettext('Resume'),
-		handler: function() {
-		    me.vm_command("resume", {});
-		}
-	    },
-	    { 
-		text: gettext('Shutdown'),
-		handler: function() {
-		    me.vm_command("shutdown", {});
-		}
-	    },
-	    { 
-		text: gettext('Stop'),
-		handler: function() {
-		    me.vm_command("stop", {});
-		}
-	    },
-	    { 
-		text: gettext('Migrate'),
-		handler: function() {
-		    PVE.Workspace.gotoPage('nodes/' + me.nodename + '/qemu/' + me.vmid + '/migrate'); 
-		}
-	    },
-	    { 
-		text: gettext('Console'),
-		handler: function() {
-		    PVE.Utils.openConsoleWindow('html5', 'kvm', me.vmid, me.nodename);
-		}
-	    },
-	    { 
-		text: gettext('Spice'),
-		handler: function() {
-		    PVE.Utils.openConsoleWindow('vv', 'kvm', me.vmid, me.nodename);
-		}
-	    }
-	]);
-	me.reload();

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