[pve-devel] Proxmox - HA & VM Shutdown

Dietmar Maurer dietmar at proxmox.com
Thu Oct 2 14:07:10 CEST 2014

> >>The stop button should work (executes 'clusvcadm -d <service>').
> Does the stop button (with HAà sent a clean acpi shutdown to the guest ? (vs kill
> process without HA)

'clusvcadm -d ..' simply calls the resource agent /usr/share/cluster/pvevm 

   my $param = {
	node => $nodename, 
	vmid => $status->{vmid}, 
	timeout => $timeout,
	forceStop => 1,

    if ($status->{type} eq 'qemu') {
	$upid = PVE::API2::Qemu->vm_shutdown($param);
    } else {
	$upid = PVE::API2::OpenVZ->vm_shutdown($param);

so this use acpi shutdown, but forces a kill if VM does not stop.

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