[pve-devel] get config from an "external" VM

Dietmar Maurer dietmar at proxmox.com
Thu Dec 20 12:39:18 CET 2012

> > You can delete the volume on the storage view?
> Oh i didn't knew that. Right now at least for RBD storage the remove button
> is disabled. Is this defined by storage plugin?

It is disabled because the volumes are owned by a VM, so the user should add/remove
on the VM config page.

You need to enable that for shared volumes.

> >> which can be read and modified by all nodes.
> > Each storage has a content view - why don't we manage shared volumes
> there?
> Good idea. I like this.
> Would you agree with this?
> Content view of a specific storage:
> 1.) put shared volumes (id 0) under a seperate tree (shared images)


> 2.) enable remove/delete button in content view for shared volumes


> 3.) add a create shared disk button beside remove

yes, unless we have a better idea ;-)

> 4.) add an assign volume to VM button beside remove or should this be
> under VM => Hardware => add => shared disk?

Yes, I think "VM => Hardware => add => shared disk" is better.

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