[pve-devel] help to get 2.0 working

Alexandre DERUMIER aderumier at odiso.com
Tue Dec 20 09:12:33 CET 2011

ok thanks, I'll wait for the documentation.

----- Mail original ----- 

De: "Dietmar Maurer" <dietmar at proxmox.com> 
À: "Alexandre DERUMIER" <aderumier at odiso.com> 
Cc: pve-devel at pve.proxmox.com 
Envoyé: Mardi 20 Décembre 2011 09:09:52 
Objet: RE: help to get 2.0 working 

> I'm build a 3 servers cluster with iscsi san, for testing HA next week. 
> Can you tell me how I can test it ? does it need special config ? (quorum disk,...) 

You do not need a quorum disk if you have 3 nodes. But you need some kind of fencing devices. 

We will try to add some documentation to the wiki. 

- Dietmar 



	Alexandre Derumier 
Ingénieur système 
e-mail : aderumier at odiso.com 
Tél : +33 (0)3 20 68 88 90 
Fax : +33 (0)3 20 68 90 81 
45 Bvd du Général Leclerc 

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