[pbs-devel] [PATCH backup/proxmox-backup 0/4] fix #5463: add optional consent banner before login

Thomas Lamprecht t.lamprecht at proxmox.com
Wed May 22 17:31:14 CEST 2024

Am 22/05/2024 um 15:19 schrieb Gabriel Goller:
> This has been requested many times already for all products. To keep 
> it simple as it's still quite a niche feature, works with a single file:
> /etc/proxmox-backup/consent.txt. If the file exists and is not empty, 
> a consent banner will be shown in front of the login view.
> This is just a reference implementation for pbs to get some feedback
> and check if my general approach is alright. The same implementation 
> will then be ported to pve and eventually pmg.
> Another disclaimer: IANAL (I am not a lawyer :) ), so the wording is 
> probably off. 

A few general questions for you and/or the original requester of this

This is currently still missing any actual barrier as it's all frontend,
shouldn't there be a cookie that is checked on the backend side if a
consent.txt exist? If this specific consent type (RMF AC-8 for US gov)
doesn't need that, it might be worth to replace the generic text box
with a type selection for that, we could always add a "custom" type
that takes a generic text and extent that with an option about how
strict it should be checked, if we get this now.

And how should API calls made using API tokens get handled, should they
have a header signalling consent or not? If, should there be a set of
standard consents that one can explicitly consent too? As a blanket
consent to an unknown text would not be of much use.

I'd in any way limit the length of the consent text to a relatively
high boundary, like 10 KiB.

Did you think about interpreting and rendering this as Markdown?

Did you check if there already exist (FLOSS) proxies that implement
this functionality by placing it between the user and any HTTP served
page/tool/ui, as that would not require us to do anything at all
(well, besides documenting it).

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