[pbs-devel] [RFC proxmox-backup 00/24] fix #3044: push datastore to remote

Christian Ebner c.ebner at proxmox.com
Tue Jul 16 16:28:35 CEST 2024

On 7/16/24 16:09, Gabriel Goller wrote:
> Just a high level overview:
>   - In the frontend, there is no way to see the difference between a
>     push/pull sync job when the datastore names are the same. I think
>     it's better if we add a second table for the push jobs (on the same
>     page, something like in the "Prune & GC Jobs" tab.)

I would rather expose the configured sync direction as a dedicated 
column in the sync job listing? Since they are logically both sync jobs, 
the sync direction just being a config option.

But of course splitting the listing into separate ones for push and for 
pull could also be an option to separate them visually even more.

>   - Sometimes a group fails to sync, I get an "sync group 'vm/114' 
> failed    pipelined request failed: no such chunk
>     bb9f8df61474d25e71fa00722318cd387396ca1736605e1248821cc0de3d3af8".
>     It seems like some chunks get added to the fixed index but haven't
>     been uploaded yet. (Because sometimes, I also get this error on the
>     receiving end: "POST /fixed_chunk: 400 Bad Request: backup already
>     marked as finished.".)

Oh, thanks for testing this!
As already mentioned off-list, I have the suspicion that a here a chunk 
might get uploaded as `KnownChunk` although not present on the server 
yet, as the push job shares the known chunk list for all snapshots.

Thank you for the feedback!

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