[pve-devel] pve-network : downgrading frr dependency to suggested

DERUMIER, Alexandre alexandre.derumier at groupe-cyllene.com
Mon Nov 20 18:20:03 CET 2023

-------- Message initial --------
De: Thomas Lamprecht <t.lamprecht at proxmox.com>
À: PVE development discussion <pve-devel at pve.proxmox.com>, Alexandre
Derumier <Alexandre.DERUMIER at groupe-cyllene.com>
Objet: pve-network : downgrading frr dependency to suggested
Date: 20/11/2023 17:55:40


>>I'd downgrade frr-pythontools to a suggestion, as Debian has install-
>>on by default, so an upgrade would pull FRR always in, if we add a
>>for our SDN package to e.g. pve-manager, and FRR daemon is quite
noisy >>IIRC.

>>Would that be fine for you? A short documentation how to install it,
or >>dnsmasq
>>for getting the DHCP feature, could be added.

It's needed for transparent reload (usr/lib/frr/frr-reload.py).

so you can be 100% sure It'll break if it's not installed ^_^

>>For the code it would be nice to add a helper that asserts that frr
>>is installed
>>for all API endpoints that need it, that way user get informed
>>upfront, similar
>>to how we do it for ceph (but no full web installer for now ^^)

Yes good idea. 

I don't known if it's easy to check, as the frr is local to each node,
and the sdn api is global at datacenter level. ?

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