[pve-devel] ovf duplicate AddressOnParent

alexandre derumier aderumier at odiso.com
Mon Dec 21 16:32:43 CET 2020

On 03/12/2020 08:36, Dominic Jäger wrote:
> Please try changing the AddressOnParent values so that they are unique.
> As you mentioned, the disks should then be attached with different numbers scsi0, scsi1, scsi2...


I wonder if the current proxmox ovs parser is not wrong.

Seem than "adressOnParent" is the pci controller.

So, it's working fine for nic,  but for disks , if ovf have multiple 
disks on same controller, it'll be always the same AddressOnParent.

I'll to check with differents hypervisors ovf export to be sure.

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