[PVE-User] Vm Reboot + Start during backup

Eneko Lacunza elacunza at binovo.es
Tue Mar 18 09:41:49 CET 2025


Forgot to mention that backup mode is snapshot.


El 18/3/25 a las 9:33, Eneko Lacunza via pve-user escribió:
> Hi all,
> Yesterday I configured a backup task in a recently updated PVE 8.3.5 .
> Tonight's first run was mostly OK, but 5 of the 61 Windows VMs where 
> rebooted + started for the backup.
> VM disk storage is on ZFS mirror, NVMe disks.
> Rebooted + Started VMs have each 1 snapshot, virtio disk and qemu agent.
> There is a VM with virtio disk and qemu agent, but without snapshot. 
> That VM was not rebooted + started.
> Other VMs don't have snapshot nor qemu agent. Disk is ide.
> Seems snapshot is related.
> Is this the expected behaviour?
> Thanks 

Eneko Lacunza
Zuzendari teknikoa | Director técnico
Binovo IT Human Project

Tel. +34 943 569 206 | https://www.binovo.es
Astigarragako Bidea, 2 - 2º izda. Oficina 10-11, 20180 Oiartzun


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