[PVE-User] VLAN to VNI translation

DERUMIER, Alexandre alexandre.derumier at groupe-cyllene.com
Mon Mar 17 11:11:01 CET 2025

Also, I had a discussion at fosdem with a proxmox user from a telecom
company about it, and they was trying to implement it and they had bugs
with it. (I think it was a frr bug ^_^ as usual, not sure about the

-------- Message initial --------
De: Stefan Hanreich <s.hanreich at proxmox.com>
Répondre à: Proxmox VE user list <pve-user at lists.proxmox.com>
À: Proxmox VE user list <pve-user at lists.proxmox.com>, Cyrus
<cyruspy at gmail.com>
Objet: Re: [PVE-User] VLAN to VNI translation
Date: 17/03/2025 09:05:40


I've looked at this shortly on one of my test clusters and got a basic
setup running, but didn't get around to further looking into how to
integrate it.

Would it be possible for you to create an entry in Bugzilla [1] for
further discussion?

On 3/15/25 12:03, Cyrus wrote:
> Hello!,
> Before requesting something that might already be there...
> Is it possible to translate a VNI to a VLAN towards a VM?.
> Use case would be:
> 1. Define various VNETs in a EVPN zone (might apply to a VXLAN zone
> too) as
> currently supported.
> 2. Define an optional VLAN tag for a VNET
> 3. Configure a port facing a VM as trunk (vlan aware?)
> 4. Deliver the VNETs as VLANs to the VM on that port.
> I don't want to transport VLAN inside a VNI, I want to deliver VNETs
> as
> VLAN to a guest which will be handling VLAN tagging/untagging. All
> the
> transport between PVE VTEPs should be kept as is implemented today
> (VXLAN).
> It would be VNI to VLAN translation or VNI/VLAN stitching + trunking
> towards a VM.
> Expectations: adding as many new networks as required to a VM without
> adding a vNICs, with other VMs participating in such VNETs in access
> mode
> and without touching physical switches (VLAN zone)
> Regards.
> Cyrus.
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