[PVE-User] EVPN zone and L2

DERUMIER, Alexandre alexandre.derumier at groupe-cyllene.com
Sun Mar 16 11:43:53 CET 2025

should works with the evpn zone.

(for the control plane the mac will be exchanged through bgp  VS arp
flooding with a vxlan zone)

-------- Message initial --------
De: Cyrus <cyruspy at gmail.com>
Répondre à: Proxmox VE user list <pve-user at lists.proxmox.com>
À: Proxmox VE user list <pve-user at lists.proxmox.com>
Objet: [PVE-User] EVPN zone and L2
Date: 15/03/2025 11:28:52


Out of curiosity, if I already have an EVPN zone with various VNETs
and need a L2 only segment for some VMs, do I need a dedicated VXLAN
or I can just define a new VNET in my EVPN zone without defining a
with it?.


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