[PVE-User] Inter VRF traffic

Cyrus cyruspy at gmail.com
Tue Mar 11 19:54:37 CET 2025

On Tue, Mar 11, 2025, 14:44 Cyrus <cyruspy at gmail.com> wrote:

> On Tue, Mar 11, 2025, 13:41 DERUMIER, Alexandre <
> alexandre.derumier at groupe-cyllene.com> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> >>I'm trying to make traffic work between VRFs passing through a an
>> >>external firewall (opnsense+frr) but traffic seems to be resolved
>> >>locally by the node, even though source/destination are on different
>> >>VRFs (and ultimately doesn't work):
>> as you have defined exit-nodes, they are leaking routes between the
>> main vrf && the evpn zone vrf. (to be able to route traffic between the
>> evpn network and the real network)
>> if you want to announce evpn subnets to your opensense, you can create
>> an extra bgp controller for each node, and add your opensense ip as
>> peer. it should be enough.
> Hello!,
> Now that you mention it.... Probably I don't need exit nodes to be defined.
> In this specific usecase, I'm placing peering interfaces in the specific
> VRFs and configuring 2 manual BGP instances towards the firewalls.
> That might fix my current problem. Will try and report back!
> Regards.

That was it!!!!, thanks for your comments.

I removed my exit nodes from the zone configuration and kept my manual BGP
peers (1 set per VRF) towards the external NE (not supporting EVPN).



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