[PVE-User] Mapping of VLAN tags to Linux bridges: Is that possible?

David der Nederlanden | ITTY david at itty.nl
Mon Jul 22 20:39:27 CEST 2024

Hi Frank,

You can definitely accomplish this with SDN in PVE 8.x,
if you prefer a video explanation of it, I can recommend these two:

Also I recommend upgrading to PVE 8, 7 is EOL soon, which means it won't receive updates anymore, even though it will likely still work fine.

It brings great new features.

Kind regards
David der Nederlanden

On 22 Jul 2024 19:50, Frank Thommen <f.thommen at dkfz-heidelberg.de> wrote:
Dear list members,

our current three-node PVE cluster hosts VMs from three different
subnets/VLANs. Each host has - besides the network ports for the Ceph
cluster - eight physical network ports (two for the host itself and two
for each of the three VLANs). Always two ports are configured like this:

    switch port - host port (1 Gbit) \
                                      +- bond - bridge
    switch port - host port (1 Gbit) /

This is nice, because when configuring a VM, we can choose the
appropriate bridge from the network menu, which also shows me the
bridge's description, so that there can't be any mistakes as to which
brigde has to be selected. However that comes with too many cables and
too many NICs. Especially as we expect to have to support more subnets
in the near future.

Our networking department has suggested to move from dedicated switch
ports to VLAN tags. This would reduce the eight 1 Gbit ports to two 25
Gbit ports per host (LACP bonded), but as far as I can see, we would
then have to - manually - enter the correct VLAN tag number for each
virtual network device. I expect this to be very error prone and
unintuitive. Best would be, if it would be possible to create Linux
bridges which map to individual VLAN tags like this:

    switch port - host port (25 Gbit) \         / VLAN 12 - bridge1
                                       +- bond -- VLAN 56 - bridge2
    switch port - host port (25 Gbit) /         \ VLAN 25 - bridge3

but unfortunately with PVE 7.x I could not find a way to achieve this.
Is such a setup possible at all?

I've read, that PVE 8.x greatly enhances the SDN capabilities of PVE.
Will these SDN capabilities enable us, to achieve the VLAN-bridge mapping?

Thanks for any hint or pointer

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