vGPU scheduling

Eneko Lacunza elacunza at
Wed May 24 15:03:39 CEST 2023


We're looking to move a PoC in a customer to full-scale production.

Proxmox/Ceph cluster will be for VDI, and some VMs will use vGPU.

I'd like to know if vGPU status is being exposed right now (as of 7.4) 
for each node through API, as it is done for RAM/CPU, and if not, about 
any plans to implement that so that a scheduler (in our case that should 
be UDS Enterprise VDI manager) can choose a node with free vGPUs to 
deploy VDIs.


Eneko Lacunza
Zuzendari teknikoa | Director técnico
Binovo IT Human Project

Tel. +34 943 569 206 |
Astigarragako Bidea, 2 - 2º izda. Oficina 10-11, 20180 Oiartzun

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