[PVE-User] systemd-logind.service

Piviul piviul at riminilug.it
Fri Sep 2 09:23:31 CEST 2022

On a proxmox 6.4 environment, when a user log on to a specific LXC 
container machine named unifi-controller, the logon time is very slow 
and on the host logs I find:

Sep 02 07:15:36 unifi-controller systemd[1978474]: 
systemd-logind.service: Failed at step NAMESPACE spawning 
/lib/systemd/systemd-logind: Permission denied
Sep 02 07:15:36 unifi-controller systemd[1978474]: 
systemd-logind.service: Failed to set up mount namespacing: 
/run/systemd/unit-root/proc: Permission denied

Other LXC doesn't have any problems. Someone can help me to find the issue?

Best regards


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