[PVE-User] iDRAC, virtual serial console, boot log.

Marco Gaiarin gaio at lilliput.linux.it
Thu Jul 14 15:17:55 CEST 2022

Mandi! Stoiko Ivanov
  In chel di` si favelave...

> > how can i set console in systemd-boot?!
> this should work out of the box - no special config needed
> (at least it does on a R630 I run, and a virtual machine I just tested it
> with)
> I hope this helps!

It does not. As just stated, i see on serial console the bios messages,
then the boot loader countdown, then nothing for some seconds and then
the issue/login.

If i run on the same time the HTML5 console, i can see all the
kernel/systemd cheatchat.

Marco ``Gaio'' Gaiarin	 | Pordenone Linux User Group  (https://www.pnlug.it/)
P.zza S. Tommaso, 20	 | Lilliput BBS         (http://bbs.lilliput.linux.it)
Cimpello di Fiume Veneto | Azione Cattolica - Concordia-Pordenone
33080 Pordenone (Italia) |                     (https://www.acconcordiapn.it/)
Tel.   +39-0434-56-1305  | Mastodon:@marcogaio at sociale.network   gaio at linux.it

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