[PVE-User] Trim and ZFS pools on SSD...

Marco Gaiarin gaio at lilliput.linux.it
Fri Jan 21 11:06:18 CET 2022

Mandi! Ralf Storm
  In chel di` si favelave...

> make sure your Vdisks are connected via scsi and the scsi controller is 
> virtioscsi, the discs need to have the checkmark "discard".
> You can check if it works under ubuntu and debian wit hte command 
> "fstrim -av" - if there is no output it doesn`t work, otherwise, after a 
> while you will get the trim results displayed.

No, sorry, i've posted two 'trim/discard' topic that (apart this) are
totally unrelated.

I'm speaking now of host OS, eg PVE: if i have an SSD-based ZFS pool, how
can i trim it?

Seems that recent 'zfsutils-linux' package add some 'framework' to do trim,
but seems (totally) undocumented. So i'm seeking feedback.

I hope i was clear now...

  Dai diamanti non nasce niente
  dal letame nascono i fior				(F. De Andre`)

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