[PVE-User] Write PBS backup on removable drives

Thomas Lamprecht t.lamprecht at proxmox.com
Tue Sep 28 06:38:52 CEST 2021


On 27.09.21 17:53, Simone Piccardi wrote:
> I'm starting using PBS for Proxmox VM backups, but I'd like to have an option to save a dump in a removable drive, that this days are much cheaper than tapes, for offsite storage.
> Given that the support to write on a tape is already there, there is any plan to have something similar to write on a removable disk?

That is already possible with some small workaround, as Gilberto mentioned, i.e., any storage device
with a FS Linux can use can be made a datastore. Then you can trigger syncs once you plugged it.

But, there's some work undergoing that will make this more integrated, see:


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