Checkpoint R81 and Proxmox

Martin Holub martin at
Wed Mar 3 11:02:21 CET 2021


I wonder if anyone is using a virtualized Checkpoint Firewall with 
Proxmox? We migrated our CP some time ago when it was R80 (Kernel 2.6), 
all was working well. As soon as we upgrade it to R80.30 or higher 
(Kernel 3.10) we started to see random freezes on the VM, only a hard 
reset of the VM fixes this, but only for a few days. PVE is 6.3, but we 
had this behaviour with previous Versions as well. As we are unable to 
get any detailed error output from the VM it's pretty hard to say why it 
freezes. On the PVE Host i can't find anything usefull in the Logs but 
maybe someone here on the list has had the same Issues?

VM Config:

bootdisk: scsi0
cores: 16
cpu: host
ide2: none,media=cdrom
memory: 12288
name: cp-ixion.R81
net0: virtio=C2:8C:DB:BF:91:69,bridge=vmbr0,tag=71
net1: virtio=AE:96:05:01:04:79,bridge=vmbr0,queues=2,tag=627
net2: virtio=A2:EA:9F:12:80:60,bridge=vmbr0,queues=2
numa: 0
onboot: 1
ostype: l26
scsi0: ssd:vm-111-disk-0,size=64G
scsi1: ssd:vm-111-disk-1,size=50G
smbios1: uuid=23b55d31-be10-4c5e-9da3-272add31112f
sockets: 1
startup: order=1
vcpus: 6
vmgenid: 8ef8beed-e02c-4371-bf50-3b56e5ae2fbd


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