[PVE-User] Caution: ceph-mon service does not start after today's updates

Thomas Lamprecht t.lamprecht at proxmox.com
Thu Nov 26 15:46:00 CET 2020

On 26.11.20 15:15, Uwe Sauter wrote:
> Am 26.11.20 um 15:10 schrieb Lindsay Mathieson:
>> On 26/11/2020 10:18 pm, Uwe Sauter wrote:
>>> this is a warning for all that are eager to apply today's updates.
>>> In my case the ceph-mon@<host> service did not start after a reboot which caused a hanging Ceph once the second monitoring service
>>> went offline.
>> I ran into that, also the node failed to rejoin the cluster quorum. syslog had errors relating to the pem-ssl key.
>> Manually start the pve cluster service and a 2nd reboot solved both issues.
> Yes, rebooting might help, but not reliably. I had nodes that needed several reboots until pvestatd did not fail.
> I also had failed ceph-mgr@<host> services (with Nautilus).
> My current suspicion is that my network takes too long to become available.

Note, it's always good idea to check if all services are running OK again before
continuing with upgrading the next host, not just on this update :-)

Also, ceph monitors can be nicely restarted over the web interface, there's a
visible status about which services run outdated versions/need a restart.

Anyway, do you have any logs which could give more details for possible issues?


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