PBS beta - encrypted PVE integrated backups

Eneko Lacunza elacunza at binovo.es
Thu Jul 16 13:09:00 CEST 2020


I'm playing a bit with PBS Beta, found some quirks (reported to 
bugzilla) but basic setup with PVE integration has been quite pleasant.

I'm trying to setup encryption, but can't figure exactly how. Tried 
setting "encryption-key autogen" in storage.cfg of PVE, and creating key 
pair and importing the pub key with "proxmox-backup-client" in PVE node, 
but doesn't seem to encrypt the backups.

Is there any doc or example for this?

Thanks a lot

Eneko Lacunza                   | Tel.  943 569 206
                                 | Email elacunza at binovo.es
Director Técnico                | Site. https://www.binovo.es
BINOVO IT HUMAN PROJECT S.L     | Dir.  Astigarragako Bidea, 2 - 2º izda. Oficina 10-11, 20180 Oiartzun

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