qmrestore stopped working for filename restrictions

Simone Piccardi piccardi at truelite.it
Wed Jul 8 10:53:28 CEST 2020


I have a problem with qmrestore not working on some dump filenames, it 
worked some time ago, but with the last version:

# pveversion
pve-manager/6.2-6/ee1d7754 (running kernel: 5.4.44-1-pve)

I got:

# qmrestore vzdump-qemu-fuss-server-10.0-latest.vma.lzo 110  -unique
-storage local-lvm
ERROR: couldn't determine archive info from

I found that the problem is that the name do not follow an expected
naming scheme (renaming the file as
vzdump-qemu-000-0000_00_00-00_00_00.vma.lzo works fine). It work also if
I make /var/lib/vz/dump/vzdump-qemu-fuss-server-10.0-latest.vma.lzo a
simbolic link to vzdump-qemu-000-0000_00_00-00_00_00.vma.lzo, and I find
this quite strange).

Anyway that error message is at least misleading: if the problem is the 
filename not having a right name, just tell this: from the message
wording at first I thinked the file was corrupted.

But then I do not undertstand why this restriction suddenly come up, and
what's the problem of restoring a VM from a file having a more
descriptive name.

That one I'm restoring is a template image I'm distributing, I'd like to
avoid names like vzdump-qemu-000-0000_00_00-00_00_00.vma.lzo.

I tried also to overcame the restriction using the standard input as the
source but I got a different error:

# cat /var/lib/vz/dump/vzdump-qemu-fuss-server-10.0-latest.vma.lzo|
qmrestore - 110  -unique -storage local-lvm
restore vma archive: vma extract -v -r /var/tmp/vzdumptmp31864.fifo -
command 'set -o pipefail && vma extract -v -r
/var/tmp/vzdumptmp31864.fifo - /var/tmp/vzdumptmp31864' failed: got timeout

Is there a way to restore a file dump avoiding to rename it?

Simone Piccardi                                 Truelite Srl
piccardi at truelite.it (email/jabber)             Via Monferrato, 6
Tel. +39-347-1032433                            50142 Firenze
http://www.truelite.it                          Tel. +39-055-7879597

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