[PVE-User] Spice and Windows as VDI solution

Daniel Bayerdorffer danielb at numberall.com
Fri Sep 28 19:30:27 CEST 2018

You only need the CAL if you are connecting to a Windows Server. You need Windows Licenses for each copy of Windows you run however. If you subscribe to Microsoft Volume Licensing you can use the same key for each copy you run.

Daniel Bayerdorffer, VP danielb at numberall.com 
Numberall Stamp & Tool Co., Inc. www.numberall.com 
Reuleaux Models  www.reuleauxmodels.com
CypherSafe  www.cyphersafe.io
PO BOX 187, Sangerville, ME 04479 USA 
TEL: 207-876-3541 FAX: 207-876-3566

----- Original Message -----
From: "Gilberto Nunes" <gilberto.nunes32 at gmail.com>
To: "PVE User List" <pve-user at pve.proxmox.com>
Sent: Friday, September 28, 2018 8:32:41 AM
Subject: [PVE-User] Spice and Windows as VDI solution

Hi there

When using spice I will need the infamous Windows User Access Cal, to every
simple user if will connect to Spice session??
I need install 10 VM with Windows 10 Enterprise and need to know if I need
Windows license to User Cal's or just normal Windows License for that!

Thanks a lot


Gilberto Nunes Ferreira

(47) 3025-5907
(47) 99676-7530 - Whatsapp / Telegram

Skype: gilberto.nunes36
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