[PVE-User] PVE is using CEPH 12.2.7 but 10.2.5 is only avaible in Debian repos

Rhonda D'Vine rhonda at proxmox.com
Wed Sep 12 10:22:55 CEST 2018


On 09/11/2018 09:57 PM, Jonathan Sélea wrote:
> On 2018-09-11 09:08, Alexandre DERUMIER wrote:
>>>> I am trying to diagnose a performance issue we have in our cluster.
>>>> What we found is that Proxmox 5 is using Ceph Luminous 12.2.7, but our
>>>> clients that is mounting Cephfs is running Jewel 10.2.5 – Is this
>>>> an issue?
>> It's better to use matching version packages for client too. (last
>> kernel or last ceph-fuse).
>> ceph.com provide packages for debian with differents release
>> http://docs.ceph.com/docs/master/install/get-packages/?highlight=debian
> Thanks!
> But unfortunately it seems they only offer Jewel via the repositories
> for Debian 9.
> I guess I have to upgrade the kernel.

 You sure about that? I can see
https://download.ceph.com/debian-luminous/dists/stretch/ there, and the
instructions from their docs worked for me:

:~# apt-cache policy ceph
  Installed: (none)
  Candidate: 12.2.8-1~bpo90+1
  Version table:
     12.2.8-1~bpo90+1 500
        500 https://download.ceph.com/debian-luminous stretch/main amd64
     10.2.5-7.2 500
        500 http://ftp.at.debian.org/debian stretch/main amd64 Packages

 Can you tell us what you tried and didn't work for you? This is the
sources.list entry that I added for it:

deb https://download.ceph.com/debian-luminous/ stretch main

 Hope that helps,

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