[PVE-User] Filesystem corruption on a VM?

Daniel Berteaud daniel at firewall-services.com
Thu Nov 15 12:58:16 CET 2018

Le 15/11/2018 à 12:49, Marco Gaiarin a écrit :
> Mandi! Daniel Berteaud
>   In chel di` si favelave...
>> Not that strange. It's expected to have FS corruption if they resides on
>> a thin provisionned volume, which itself has no space left. Lucky you
>> only had one FS corrupted.
> ...but currently space is OK (really: space on VM images pool was never on
> shortage, was the 'DATA' pool...), and i've many time done 'e2fsck' on
> filesystem (as stated, i've also reformatted one...) and errors pop up back
> again...

If at one time, the storage pool went out of space, then the FS is most
likely corrupted. Fixing the space issue will prevent further
corruption, but won't fix the already corrupted FS. You said

> As just stated, i've had a temporary fill of SAN space

I don't know what this SAN hosted.

Anyway, If errors come back after reformating the volume, then you still
have something not fixed. Please tell us how are things configured, what
kind of storage it's using, which layers are involved etc... (thin prov,
iSCSI, LVM on top etc...)


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	*Daniel Berteaud*

Société de Services en Logiciels Libres
Tel : 05 56 64 15 32
Matrix: @dani:fws.fr

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